Standard ML - Topics
- Implementations of Standard ML, and how to compile them
- Formal Definition of Standard ML
- Equational Reasoning in Standard ML
- Functional Programming in Standard ML
- Coding Conventions including LaTeX listings customizations
- Idioms for Standard ML
- Input/Output in Standard ML compared to Haskell
- Literate Code
- Application Operator - Haskell's
in Standard ML - String Streams in SML
- xUnit Framework implementation in Standard ML
- Weight-Balanced Trees in SML
- Normalization by Evaluation implementation
- De Bruijn Indices
- Application Operator - Haskell's
- Monadology on how to implement monads in Standard ML
- IO Monad
- State Monad and its derivation
- ST Monad
- Monad Transformers
- Functors in Standard ML for implementing the notion of a (Haskell) functor in Standard ML.
- Free Monads
- Type Theory of Standard ML
- The Standard ML Programming Language page from ULTRA group (at Heriot Watt University)
- What was wrong with SML? for a thoughtful discussion of defects concerning SML
in SML is compiler dependent…