\( \newcommand\D{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand\E{\mathrm{e}} \newcommand\I{\mathrm{i}} \newcommand\bigOh{\mathcal{O}} \newcommand{\cat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand\curl{\vec{\nabla}\times} \newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \)

de Bruijn Indices - SML

Table of Contents

1. Problem Statement

The basic problem is to consider the untyped lambda calculus. How can we encode it in Standard ML? The naive way runs into problems, for example:

\[(\lambda x . \lambda y . x y x y) (y y) \to_{\text{naive}} \lambda y . ((y y) y (y y) y)\]

This is incorrect, it should instead change the bound \(y\) variable to avoid accidentally capturing the free variable:

\[(\lambda x . \lambda y . x y x y) (y y) \to \lambda z . ((y y) z (y y) z)\]

How can we avoid the problem of accidental capture?

2. Solution

The approach De Bruijn took was to use numbers for bound variables. (What do we do with free variables? Well…let's see how we translate bound variables into numbers first.)

The idea is: a bound variable is replaced by a number counting how many lambdas occur between the bound variable and its binder? For example, the identity combinator's bound variable has nothing between it and its binder, so we would encode it as:

\[ \lambda x . x \mapsto \lambda.0 \]

When there is 1 lambda between the bound variable and its binder:

\[ \lambda x . \lambda y . x \mapsto \lambda\lambda.1 \]

A tricky one:

\[ \lambda x.\lambda y.\lambda s.\lambda z.x s (y s z)\mapsto \lambda\lambda\lambda\lambda.3~1~(2~1~0)\]

The names of the bound variables do not matter:

\[(\lambda x . x~x)(\lambda y.y~y)\mapsto (\lambda.0~0)(\lambda.0~0)\]

This is the basic idea of de Bruijn indices.

2.1. Translation Algorithm

The basic algorithm could be sketched out using an associative array (or "dictionary") of bindings, which is called the Context in the literature.

Step 1. We initialize the context \(\Gamma\gets\{\}\) and the binding depth \(\delta\gets 0\). We are given a lambda expression \(e\) we will translate to de Bruijn notation.

Step 2. (Handle variables.) If our expression is not a variable, go to step 5. If our expression is a variable \(e = x\), then we check if the variable is in our context \(x\in\Gamma\). If it is, go to step 4. If \(e = x\) is free, then go to the next step.

Step 3. (Shift de Bruijn indices, add new binding.) If \(e = x\) is not in our existing context \(x\notin\Gamma\), we add it, which means we construct a new context by copying over all existing bindings with the de Bruijn index shifted by 1, and assign \(x\) the de Bruijn index of 0: \(\Gamma_{\text{new}} = \{(y,n+1)\mid (y,n)\in\Gamma\}\cup\{(x,0)\}\). Set \(\Gamma\gets\Gamma_{\text{new}}\) and move to the next step.

Step 4. (Swap variable for de Bruijn index.) Our expression is a variable \(e=x\) and our context has a binding for it \(x\in\Gamma\). Then we lookup the de Bruijn index in the context \(\Gamma(x)=n\) and return \(n\) as the translation.

Step 5. If our expression \(e\) is a lambda abstraction \(e = \lambda x.e'\), then we move on to step 6. Otherwise we move to step 7.

Step 6. Given a lambda abstraction for our expression \(e = \lambda x.e'\), we translate \(x\) to a de Bruijn index and update our context — exactly as we have done in step 3. Using this new context \(\Gamma_{\text{new}}\), we translate the body of the abstraction \(e'\) using this new context; i.e., we set \(e\gets e'\) and \(\Gamma\gets\Gamma_{\text{new}}\), then return to step 2. This produces a translation \(e'\mapsto\widetilde{e}'\), and we return \(\lambda . \widetilde{e}'\) as the translation.

Step 7. The last possibility is that \(e\) is an application of expressions, so \(e = e_{1}~e_{2}\). We can then, in parallel and separately, construct two copies of the current context \(\Gamma_{1}\gets\Gamma\) and \(\Gamma_{2}\gets\Gamma\), then concurrently return to step 2 with (a) expression \(e_{1}\) and context \(\Gamma_{1}\), and (b) expression \(e_{2}\) and context \(\Gamma_{2}\). This will translate the subexpressions \(e_{1}\mapsto\widetilde{e}_{1}\) and \(e_{2}\mapsto\widetilde{e}_{2}\), then we return as our translation the application \(\widetilde{e}_{1}~\widetilde{e}_{2}\).

(End of Algorithm)

2.2. Free Variables

What do we do with free variables? Well, the way it is handled traditionally is to treat them as we have outlined: they are integers larger than the number of binders. This has its problems if we wanted to print out the resulting translation to the user, e.g., for debugging purposes.

2.3. Substitution

But this begs the question: how does substitution work in de Bruijn indices?

We see that \((\lambda x.\lambda y.x)e\to\lambda y.e\); with de Bruijn indices, we would have \((\lambda\lambda.1)\widetilde{e}\) translated…how? Well, we begin by realizing \(x\) has been replaced initially by 0, so we would write: \[ (\lambda\lambda.1)\widetilde{e}\to (\lambda.1)[0 := \widetilde{e}]\] This gets the ball rolling. Next, we need to move the substitution through the lambda binder. This would increment the de Bruijn index for the bound variable we are substituting for: \[ (\lambda.1)[0 := \widetilde{e}] \stackrel{?}{=} \lambda.(1[1 := \widetilde{e}])\] Would this work? Care must be taken with free variables in \(\widetilde{e}\), we must make sure they remain free.

For a ground term \(\widetilde{e}\), we can simply work with care-free abandon, replacing \(1\) by \(\widetilde{e}\), and we're finished.

For an expression \(\widetilde{e}\) with free variables, then we run into problems. Really? Well, take \(\widetilde{e}=0\). Then we would have \[ (\lambda.1)[0 := 0] \stackrel{?}{=} \lambda.(1[1 := 0]) = \lambda.0 \] This is not equal to the translation of \((\lambda x.\lambda y.x)x\) into de Bruijn indices. What happened?

Well, free variables screwed everything up. We need to keep free variables free. That is, we need to keep their value above the "depth" of binders.

We introduce a notion of shift operator \(\uparrow^{n}_{c}\) which increments de Bruijn indices at or above the cutoff \(c\) by an amount \(n\). We define it inductively by the rules:

\[ \uparrow^{n}_{c}(m) = \begin{cases}m & \mbox{if }m\lt c\\ m + n & \mbox{otherwise}\end{cases} \] \[ \uparrow^{n}_{c}(\lambda.e) = \lambda.(\uparrow^{n}_{c+1}(e))\] \[ \uparrow^{n}_{c}(e_{1}~e_{2}) = \uparrow^{n}_{c}(e_{1})~\uparrow^{n}_{c}(e_{2})\]

Observe, if we want to shift free variables by 1 in an expression, we would write \(\uparrow^{1}_{0}(e)\). The cutoff starts at \(c=0\), but will increment to reflect the "binder depth" of the subexpression.

Substitution, using the shift function, is then defined by:

\[ m [n := e] = \begin{cases} e & \mbox{if }m=n\\m &\mbox{otherwise}\end{cases}\] \[ (\lambda.e_{1})[n := e] = \lambda.(e_{1}[m+1 := \uparrow^{1}_{0}(e)])\] \[ (e_{1}~e_{2})[n := e] = (e_{1}[n := e])~(e_{2}[n := e])\]

Does this fix our situation? We should observe our naive attempt at substitution has \((\lambda.e_{1})[n := e] = \lambda.(e_{1}[m+1 := e])\), so the shift function is used only when substituting into a lambda expression. We also see that we shift all variables above a cutoff \(c=0\), i.e., we shift all free variables by 1. Therefore, we expect this should work.

We see for our particular expression:

\[ (\lambda\lambda.1)0 = (\lambda.1)[0 := 0] \]

Then applying our rules for substitution:

\[ (\lambda.1)[0 := 0] = \lambda.(1[0 + 1 := \uparrow^{1}_{0}(0)]) = \lambda.(1[1 := 1]). \]

Thus we find:

\[ (\lambda\lambda.1)0\to\lambda.1 \]

This works as we expected! …for one simple example. If we had a different context, where \(x\) were translated to \(n\), then we would have instead:

\[ (\lambda\lambda.1)n\to\lambda.(n+1) \]

…which is right. We would therefore need to shift down by 1. That is to say, we would need beta reduction to be defined as:

\begin{equation} (\lambda.e_{1})e_{2}\to_{\beta} \uparrow^{-1}_{0}(e_{1}[0 := \uparrow^{1}_{0}(e_{2})]) \end{equation}

Wait, would this work with our original situation? Let us evaluate:

\[ (\lambda\lambda.1)n\to_{\beta}\uparrow^{-1}_{0}((\lambda.1)[0 := n+1])\] \[ \uparrow^{-1}_{0}((\lambda.1)[0 := n+1]) = \uparrow^{-1}_{0}(\lambda.(1[0 + 1 := \uparrow^{1}_{0}(n+1)]))\] \[ \uparrow^{-1}_{0}(\lambda.(1[0 + 1 := \uparrow^{1}_{0}(n+1)])) = \uparrow^{-1}_{0}(\lambda.(1[1 := n+2]))\] \[ \uparrow^{-1}_{0}(\lambda.(1[1 := n+2])) = \uparrow^{-1}_{0}(\lambda.n+2)\] \[ \uparrow^{-1}_{0}(\lambda.n+2) = \lambda.\uparrow^{-1}_{1}(n+2)\] \[ \lambda.\uparrow^{-1}_{1}(n+2) = \lambda.(n+1) \]

Without the outermost \(\uparrow^{-1}_{0}(\dots)\), we would have obtained the incorrect solution. Without the innermost \(\uparrow^{1}_{0}(\dots)\), we would have mistaken the free variable \(0\) for a bound variable. Therefore, we are forced to admit the beta-reduction rule as proposed.

3. Locally Nameless Variables

This is a big old mess, all caused by free variables. What if we just…leave free variables alone? Treat them as strings? Then we won't have to worry about shifting and unshifting in beta reduction. But we have two notions of variables — free variables and bound ones.

datatype Name = Bound of int
       | Free of string;

datatype Expr = Var of Name
       | Lam of Expr
       | App of Expr * Expr;

We then substitute an expression for a name.

fun subst e' x@(Free n) = (fn e@(Var (Free y)) => if n = y then e' else e
                        | e@(Var _) => e
                        | (Lam e) => Lam (subst e' x e)
                        | (App (e1, e2)) => App (subst e' x e1, subst e' x e2))
  | subst e' x@(Bound n) = (fn e@(Var (Bound m)) => if m = n then e' else e
                           | e@(Var _) => e
                           | (Lam e) => Lam (subst e' (Bound (n+1)) e)
                           | (App (e1, e2)) => App (subst e' x e1, subst e' x e2));

Actually, since both int and string are equality types, we can simplify this code quite a bit:

fun shift (Bound n) = Bound (n + 1)
  | shift e = e;

fun subst (e' : Expr) (x : Name) =
    (fn e@(Var y) => if x = y then e' else e
    | (Lam e) => Lam (subst e' (shift x) e)
    | (App (e1, e2)) => App (subst e' x e1, subst e' x e2));

That's it, we've got the substitution mechanism, and now beta reduction simplifies to:

fun beta e@(Var _) = e
  | beta e@(Lam _) = e
  | beta e@(App (e1, e2)) = case e1 of
                            | (Var _) => e
                            | (Lam e') => subst e2 (Bound 0) e'
                            | (App (e11, e12)) =>
                              let val v1 = beta e1
                              in if e1 = v1 then e else beta (App (v1, e2))

We should probably add some logic to avoid infinite loops with beta reduction, but this illustrates the mechanics of locally nameless variables.

4. HOAS, PHOAS, etc.

A more sophisticated approach to encoding binders, free and bound variables, etc., is to piggieback off the programming language. This assumes the type system is sufficiently powerful. For Standard ML, we lack sufficient strength.

For a SML library useful for a runtime HOAS/PHOAS encoding, see:

  • Umut A. Acar, Guy E. Blelloch, Robert Harper,
    "Selective Memoization".
    arXiv:1106.0447, 31 pages.

5. …and Typed Lambda Calculus

Thus far, we have worked with locally nameless variables for untyped lambda calculus. What happens if we add types?

At the very least, we would need to add the type of the bound variable to Lam (lambda abstraction). This minimal approach would require us to typecheck expressions to make sure evaluation makes sense ("works").

We could equally do something like:

type Name = string;
(* datatype Var = ... *) (* The implementation is immaterial *)

datatype Type =
         | TArr of Type * Type
         (* | other base types... *)
         | TBool;

datatype Term =
       | Const of boolean
       | Var of Name
       | Abs of Type * Term
       | App of Term * Term;

If we wanted to use locally nameless variables for polymorphic lambda calculus, we would have something like:

type Name = string;
datatype Var = (* ... *) (* The implementation is immaterial *)

datatype Sort = (* complicated mess *);

datatype Type =
         | Ty Name * (Type list)
         | TVar Var * Sort;

datatype Term =
         | Const Name * Type
         | FVar Var * Type
         | BVar int
         | Abs Type * Term
         | App Term * Term;

This is, after all, what happens in:

  • Tobias Nipkow, Simon Roßkopf,
    "Isabelle's Metalogic: Formalization and Proof Checker".
    arXiv:2104.12224, 18 pages.

For first-order dependently-typed lambda calculus (LF or its variants), then I believe we need to define the Type and Term datatypes simultaneously. For example, formalizing de Groote's \(\lambda^{\lambda}\) (from his paper "Defining λ-Typed λ-Calculi by Axiomatizing the Typing Relation"), we would need something like:

datatype Expr =
         | EType
         | EVar of Var
         | ELam of Expr * Expr
         | EApp of Expr * Expr
     and Type =
         | TKind
         | TLam of Expr * Type;

Or perhaps more succinctly using one datatype for pseudo-expressions:

datatype Expr =
         | Type
         | Kind
         | Var of Var
         | Lam of Expr * Expr
         | App of Expr * Expr;

It's probably wise to use opaque types, then make certain constructors public, so as to avoid passing off illegal pseudoexpressions as perfectly valid expressions.

6. Explicit Substitutions

It is also standard, when implementing a lambda calculus interpreter with de Bruijn indices, to use explicit substitution. This transforms substitution from "an operation on syntactic terms" to "part of the syntax".

Although this sounds like a great idea, it comes at considerable cost. For example, lambda calculus with explicit substitution is no longer strongly normalizing, as first proved in:

  • P-A. Melliès,
    "Typed lambda-calculi with explicit substitutions may not terminate".
    TLCA 1995, pp.328–334; Eprint.

6.1. And Type Theory

There are difficulties doing this with dependent types, which is discussed beautifully in:

  • César Muñoz, "Dependent Types and Explicit Substitutions". Eprint NASA/CR-1999-209722, 1999; 32 pages.

7. De Bruijn Levels

If we start counting from the "inside" outwards, instead of using the "depth" for numbering bound variables, we start counting from the innermost binder, then we end up with de Bruijn levels. This is useful when implementing normalization by evaluation because it allows us to use purely functional code. This is done, e.g., in section 3.1 of:

  • Andrzej Filinski,
    "A Semantic Account of Type-Directed Partial Evaluation".
    BRICS Report Series 6 no.17 (1999) 26 pages. doi:10.7146/brics.v6i17.20074

8. References

  • Nicolaas de Bruijn,
    "Lambda Calculus Notation with Nameless Dummies, a Tool for Automatic Formula Manipulation, with Application to the Church-Rosser Theorem".
    Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings) 75 5 (1972) pp.381–392 pdf.
  • TAPL

8.1. Explicit Substitutions

  • Martin Abadi, Lucas Cardelli, Pierre-Louis Curien, and Jean-Jacques Lévy,
    "Explicit substitutions".
    Journal of Functional Programming 1 no.4 (1991) pp.375–416
    • This is the first paper which introduces explicit substitutions as a concept.
    • Expanded Eprint
    • Archived eprint of version presented at 7th ACM Principles of Programming languages conference
  • Mauricio Ayala-Rincon and César Muñoz,
    "Explicit Substitutions and All That". Eprint NASA/CR-2000-210621, 32 pages.
  • P-A. Melliès,
    "Typed lambda-calculi with explicit substitutions may not terminate".
    TLCA 1995, pp.328–334; Eprint.

Last Updated 2023-02-22 Wed 09:18.