\( \newcommand\D{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand\E{\mathrm{e}} \newcommand\I{\mathrm{i}} \newcommand\bigOh{\mathcal{O}} \newcommand{\cat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand\curl{\vec{\nabla}\times} \newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \)

Formal Definition of Standard ML

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The definition of Standard ML has a formal definition using some sort of operational semantics. It was first formally defined in 1990, then revised in 1997. The current formal definition of Standard ML may be found in the 1997 definition, but Milner and Tofte wrote a commentary on the 1990 definition. (Tofte had this on his website, but when he retired his university took down the website.)

Unfortunately, reasoning with the formal definition is not terribly easy or straightforward. Don Syme's paper, "Reasoning with the Formal Definition of Standard ML in HOL", reviews the "obvious approaches" like encoding an inference rule from the formal definition

\begin{equation} \frac{s,E\vdash exp\Rightarrow v,s'}{s,E\vdash (exp)\Rightarrow v,s'} \end{equation}

as the axiom

\begin{equation} \vdash\mathtt{INFERABLE}(s,E,atexp,val,s')\supset \mathtt{INFERABLE}(s,E,\mathtt{(}\;atexp\;\mathtt{)},val,s') \end{equation}

makes it impossible to prove claims like, "It is impossible for [the following bad situation] to occur."

2. Phases in Executing a Program

There are three phases in executing a Standard ML program, according to the formal definition (paragraph 3 of §1):

In the execution of a declaration there are three phases: parsing, elaboration, and evaluation. Parsing determines the grammatical form of a declaration. Elaboration, the static phase, determines whether it is well-typed and well-formed in other ways, and records relevant type or form information in the basis. Finally evaluation, the dynamic phase, determines the value of the declaration and records relevant value information in the basis [= top level environment].

We usually take the first two phases for granted, and jumpt to thinking about the dynamic phase when it comes to semantics.

Also worth mentioning, at the end of the next paragraph in the formal definition,

In fact, elaboration without evaluation is part of what is normally called compilation; once a declaration (or larger entity) is compiled one wishes to evaluate it — repeatedly — without re-elaboration, from which it follows that it is useful to perform the evaluation phase separately.

2.1. Basic Steps in Executing a Program

So, the formal definition tells us the following additional pieces of information:

  1. The execution of a program is expressed as a sentence of the form \[ s, B\vdash \textit{program}\Rightarrow B', s' \] where \(s\) is the state before execution, \(B\) is the basis (= all declared information) before execution, \(s'\) is the state after execution, \(B'\) is the basis after execution.
  2. A basis \(B\) is a pair \(B_{\text{STAT}}\), \(B_{\text{DYN}}\) consisting of a static and a dynamic basis. The static basis contains all the type and structure information provided by previous declarations. The dynamic basis contains all associations of identifiers with values.
  3. Rule (189) of the 1997 definition [corresponding to rule (196) of the 1990 definition] tells us a program takes the form \[ \textit{program}_{1} = \textit{topdec}_{1}\; ;\;\textit{program}_{2}\] Its execution consists of the following parts:

    1. \(B_{\text{STAT}}\vdash_{\text{STAT}}\textit{topdec}_{1}\Rightarrow B'_{\text{STAT}}\) — elaboration of \(\textit{topdec}_{1}\)
    2. \(s, B_{\text{DYN}}\vdash_{\text{DYN}}\textit{topdec}_{1}\Rightarrow B_{\text{DYN}}',s'\) — evaluation of \(\textit{topdec}_{1}\)
    3. \(s', B\oplus B'\vdash\textit{program}_{2}\Rightarrow B'',s''\) — execution of \(\textit{program}_{2}\).

    Observe that failures during elaboration are handled in rule (187), and an evaluation yielding exceptions is handled in rule (188).

We learn that topdec is a syntactic class referring to:

  • Declarations of "core" expressions (types, functions, constants, etc.)
  • Declarations of structures
  • Declarations of signatures
  • Declarations of functors

Oddly enough, there is no specification for whether there is a "main" function (as one would expect in C-like languages) or if we just embed code we want run at the top-level. This has become implementation-specific, and a source of frustration when writing implementation-independent code.

3. Summary of Semantics

The "semantics" (of evaluating expressions) which we normally think of, well, they're called the dynamic semantics of the language. It could boil down to maybe a dozen rules or fewer, and may be found in §6 of the formal definition. Basically:

  • Evaluate arguments from left to right for function applications, tuples, and constructors; this is rule (97).
  • If an exception occurs during evaluation, it propagates until it is handled (if at all).
  • References are handled in rules (99) & (100) as one would expect
  • Function applications have nuances due to closures being carefully defined as a triple (match, E, VE) where match corresponds roughly to the "body" of the closure, E is the environment when the closure was defined, and VE modified E by handling recursive bindings (see §6.6 for a full explanation)
  • Primitive ("built in") operations are handled in rule (101)
  • Function closures are specified by rules (102) and (108).
  • Exception throwing/raising and handling are specified by rules (103), (104), (105), (106), and (107).

The rest of the "dynamic semantics" [rules (109) through (149)] for the "core" language (i.e., the part of Standard ML which is not modules = structures + signatures + functors) concerns itself with pattern matching and binding rules.

The "dynamic semantics" of modules seems to concern itself with binding rules and descriptions.

The reader should be cautious: the derived forms and syntactic sugar are completely stripped away by the point we consider the dynamic semantics. So, for example, an ordered pair "(t1, t2)" becomes the record "{1 = t1, 2 = t2}"; infix operators "t1 op t2" are replaced by "op(t1, t2)", which is then desugared further into "op {1=t1, 2=t2}". So if we have a "val x : int ref = 3", then "x := 33" is desugared into ":= { 1 = x, 2 = 33 }".

Type checking occurs in what the formal definition calls the "static semantics" step.

4. Reasoning with the Definition

This seems to be an open problem, and I don't think anyone cares anymore (everyone has moved on to using, e.g., Coq to prove properties about OCaml and pretending OCaml works according to the Coq specifications).

I think it is possible to produce a collection of rules to enable equational reasoning with purely functional Standard ML code. But this is an assertion of belief, rather than anything said with any evidence.

The challenge is to prove the rules supplied for equational reasoning may be derived from the formal definition.

4.1. Predefined Functions, Types, Signatures, and Structures

The other challenge is to formally specify what the definition calls the "initial basis". It has been informally specified in the Standard ML Basis Library, but a formal specification is absent.

I think we could happily work with a fragment of the Standard Basis, e.g., working with:

  • int
  • char
  • string
  • unit
  • bool
  • list
  • option
  • order
  • Input/Output
  • Exception handling?

Note that the only "side effects" formally specified in the 1997 definition is from ref (rule 99) and mutating references (rule 100). We would have to formally specify "side effects" from input/output somehow.

5. References

Last Updated 2023-02-16 Thu 10:54.