\( \newcommand\D{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand\E{\mathrm{e}} \newcommand\I{\mathrm{i}} \newcommand\bigOh{\mathcal{O}} \newcommand{\cat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand\curl{\vec{\nabla}\times} \newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \)

ST Monad - SML

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The State Transformer Monad (not to be confused with the StateT monad transformer) is of type ST s a in Haskell. Intuitively the s parameter encodes the state, and a encodes the return value.

The definition of the ST monad is given as:

newtype ST s a = ST (STRep s a)
type STRep s a = State# s -> (# State# s, a #)

There are a couple of functions worth mentioning:

  1. runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a returns the value of the computation; the forall ensures that the internal state used by the ST computation is inaccessible to the rest of the program.
  2. fixST :: (a -> ST s a) -> ST s a which allows the result of an ST computation to be used (lazily) inside the computation.

Apparently this ST monad can be traced back to the paper:

  • John Launchbury and Simon Peyton Jones,
    "Lazy Functional State Threads".
    CM SIGPLAN Notices 29, no.6 (1994) 24–35. PLDI '94, Eprint.

Also, be warned, ST does not stand for "state thread", at least according to that paper. We should think of an ST monad as abstracting away a stateful computation.

2. Implementation

The Haskell implementation of the ST monad is the same as the implementation of IO. We can cheat and do likewise, by first observing in our IO monad implementation we have:

abstype 'a Job = JOB of unit -> 'a
    (* ... *)

We take advantage of the fact that 'a is isomorphic to unit * 'a (and 'a * unit). Then we could generalize the construction to:

abstype ('s, 'a) ST = ST of ('s -> 's * 'a)
    (* ... *)

If we fix 's = unit, then we recover the IO monad.

3. Example with Standard ML Regions

From a Stackoverflow answer:

After some headbanging, I think this is possible — or at least close enough to it to work — although it isn't very pretty to look at. (I may be on completely the wrong track here, someone knowledgeable please comment.)

It's possible (I think) to use SML's generative datatypes and functors to create abstract phantom types that cannot be referred to outside a given lexical block:

datatype ('s, 'a) Res = ResC of 's

signature BLOCK = sig
  type t
  val f:('s, t) Res -> t

signature REGION = sig
  type t
  val run:unit -> t

functor Region(B:BLOCK) :> REGION where type t = B.t = struct
  type t = B.t
  datatype phan = Phan
  fun run () = let
    val ret = (print "opening region\n"; B.f(ResC Phan))
  in print "closing region\n" ; ret end

structure T = Region(struct
  type t = int
  fun f resource = ( (* this function forms the body of the "region" *)

;print (Int.toString(T.run()))

This prevents the program from simply returning resource or declaring external mutable variables it could be assigned to, which deals with most of the issue. But it can still be closed over by functions created within the "region" block, and retained that way past its supposed close point; such functions could be exported and the dangling resource reference used again, causing problems.

We can imitate ST though, and prevent closures from being able to do anything useful with resource by forcing the region to use a monad keyed with the phantom type:

signature RMONAD = sig
  type ('s, 'a, 'r) m
  val ret: ('s * 'r) -> 'a -> ('s, 'a, 'r) m
  val bnd: ('s, 'a, 'r) m * ('a * 'r -> ('s, 'b, 'r) m) -> ('s, 'b, 'r) m
  val get: 's -> ('s, 'a, 'r) m -> 'a * 'r

structure RMonad :> RMONAD = struct
  type ('s, 'a, 'r) m = 's -> 's * 'a * 'r
  fun ret (k, r) x = fn _ => (k, x, r)
  fun bnd (m, f) = fn k => let
    val (_, v, r) = m k
  in f (v, r) k end
  fun get k m = let val (_, v, r) = m k in (v, r) end

signature MBLOCK = sig
  type t
  val f:(t -> ('s, t, 'r) RMonad.m)  (* return *)
         * ('r -> ('s, string, 'r) RMonad.m) (* operations on r *)
        -> ('s, t, 'r) RMonad.m

signature MREGION = sig
  type t
  val run:unit -> t

functor MRegion(B:MBLOCK) :> MREGION where type t = B.t = struct
  type t = B.t
  datatype phan = Phan
  fun run () = let
    val (ret, res) = RMonad.get Phan (B.f(RMonad.ret(Phan, "RESOURCE"),
                                     (fn r => RMonad.ret(Phan, "RESOURCE") r)))
    print("closing " ^ res ^ "\n") ; ret

structure T = MRegion(struct
  type t = int
  fun f (return, toString) = let
    val >>= = RMonad.bnd
    infix >>=
    return 6 >>= (fn(x, r) =>
      toString r >>= (fn(s, r) => (
        print ("received " ^ s ^ "\n");
        return (x + 1)


(this is a mess, but it shows my basic idea)

The resource takes the role of STRef; if all of the provided operations on it return a monadic value instead of working directly, it will build up a chain of delayed operations that can only be executed by being returned to run. This counters the ability of closures to retain a copy of r outside the block because they will never actually be able to execute the op chain, being unable to return to run, and are therefore unable to access it in any way.

Invoking T.run twice will re-use the same "key" type, meaning this isn't equivalent to a nested forall, but that shouldn't make a difference if there's no way to share r between two separate invocations; which there isn't — if it can't be returned, can't be assigned outside, and any closures can't run the code that works on it. At least, I think so.

4. References

  • John Launchbury and Simon Peyton Jones,
    "Lazy Functional State Threads".
    CM SIGPLAN Notices 29, no.6 (1994) 24–35. PLDI '94, Eprint.
  • John Launchbury, Simon Peyton Jones,
    "State in Haskell".
    Lisp and Symbolic Computation (1995) pp. 293–342. Eprint.
  • Stephanie Weirich,
    The ST and IO Monads.
    CIS552 lecture, UPenn, 2017 Fall Quarter.

Last Updated 2023-02-14 Tue 10:15.