\( \newcommand\D{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand\E{\mathrm{e}} \newcommand\I{\mathrm{i}} \newcommand\bigOh{\mathcal{O}} \newcommand{\cat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand\curl{\vec{\nabla}\times} \newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \)

Equational Reasoning in Standard ML

Table of Contents

1. Overview

The excitement with statically-typed functional programming is that we can reason about it. The technical term is "equational reasoning" and resembles Dijkstra's structured derivations. For purely functional languages, we can use equational reasoning for the entire program.

The critical property enabling us to reason about functional programs is referential transparency. The only two features of Standard ML which hinders referential transparency: IO, and references. (IO is a thorny issue in functional programming.)

Since Standard ML has some impure aspects, and has eager evaluation, there are some subtleties about how to reason about ML code.

Moral: Well-written functional code corresponds to its own correctness proof.

2. Definitions

We have an equivalence, in ascii written == (so e1 == e2 : T is a predicate on two closed expressions e1 and e2, both have the same type T). In math, on paper, we write \(e_{1}\cong e_{2} : \tau\). We usually suppress the type.

  • e value means that e is a value; not every expression has a value (e.g., 5 div 0).
    • For now, values may be described inductively as:
      • The basic types like numbers, strings, characters,
      • applications of datatype constructors to values,
    • More generally, "values" would be syntactical values or "non-expansive expressions" as found in chapter 4 of the definition of Standard ML (1997 revision).
  • e valuable mean "There exists a v such that v value and e == v"
    • If an expression raises an exception, then it is not valuable.
  • f : T1 -> T2, f total means "For all values v1 : T1, if v1 value, then (f v2) valuable."
    • Examples: (fn s => s), op +, Int.toString
    • Non-Examples: div, exp
  • It's common to abuse language and write: "for all values e : T…" or even "for all v : T …" to mean "for all e : T, if e value, then…". Specifically, this means a quantifier over arbitrary expressions must be explicitly indicates as, "For all expressions e : T …".
  • We write e'[e/x] for substitution of e for x in e'.
  • Reduction of an expression is written e ==> e' (or on paper as \(e \Longrightarrow e'\)) and is defined using the operational semantics of Standard ML. It does not necessarily correspond to the steps the computer takes when evaluating a Standard ML expression (since optimizations may occur, etc.).
    • We write \(e\stackrel{k}{\Longrightarrow} e'\) for "\(e\) reduces to \(e'\) in \(k\) steps of reduction"
    • If we have \(e\Longrightarrow e'\), then we mean "\(e\) reduces to \(e'\) in zero or more steps of reduction"
  • Evaluation of an expression is denoted \(e\hookrightarrow v\)
    • Evaluation and reduction are related in the sense that if \(e\hookrightarrow v\) then either \(e\) is \(v\) already or \(e\stackrel{1}{\Longrightarrow}e_{1}\Longrightarrow v\)
  • We write e |-> e' for one step of calculation or reduction, e |=> e'' for multiple parallel steps of calculation or reduction, and e ==> e''' for an arbitrary-but-finite number of steps of reduction.
    • Observe if e |-> e', then e |=> e'
    • If e |=> e', then e ==> e'
    • If e1 ==> e2 and e2 ==> e3, then e1 ==> e3.
    • Example: evaluating (1 + 2)*(3 + 4)
      • We have (1 + 2)*(3 + 4) |=> 3*7 since (1 + 2) |=> 3 and separately 3 + 4 |=> 7; and then we have 3*7 |=> 21. So |=> does one step of evaluation on disjoint subexpressions.
      • But we also have (1 + 2)*(3 + 4) ==> 21 done in one step.
      • The longest route is to do one step of evaluation at a time, which could look something like: (1 + 2)*(3 + 4) |-> 3*(3 + 4) |-> 3*7 |-> 21, but there are other possibilities.
    • Syntax on paper, we would write:
      • e ==> e' as \(e \Longrightarrow e'\)
      • e |-> e' as \(e \mapsto e'\)
      • e |=> e'
      • \(e\hookrightarrow v\) for \(e\Longrightarrow v\) and \(v\) is a value, i.e., \(e\) is valuable and \(e\Longrightarrow v\)

3. Provisional Definition of Extensional Equivalence

There are several cases to the definition of extensional equivalence. Really, there is an abstract definition, and these several cases are theorems…but the abstract definition is too abstract.

3.1. For "base" types

Let \(e\), \(e'\) be two expressions of the same base type (e.g., int, char, string, bool, word, unit, etc.). We say they are Extensionally Equivalent, written \(e\cong e'\), if one of the following is true:

  1. Evaluation of e produces the same value as the evaluation of e',
  2. Evaluation of e raises the same exception as the evaluation of e', or
  3. Both loop forever.

We can see that two values of the same base type are extensionally equivalent iff they are identical (modulo silly encoding issues, like 0x10 and 16 are the same value but expressed in superficially different literals).

Also notice, if we have the product of base types, extensional equivalence carries over component-wise.

3.2. For Function Values

We say two function values f : T -> T' and g : T -> T' of the same type are extensionally equivalent whenever f(v) == g(w) for all extensionally equivalent argument values v : T and w : T.

A "function value" is an anonymous lambda expression fn x => e together with a (possibly empty) environment of bindings for any "nonlocal variables" appearing in the body of the function. This pairing (of a lambda expression plus an environment) form a Closure.

3.3. For Functions

We will say two expressions of type T -> T' are extensionally equivalent if one of the following hold:

  1. they both evaluate to extensionally equivalent function values,
  2. they both raise extensionally equivalent exceptions when evaluates, or
  3. both loop forever when evaluated.

3.4. General Definition

Two expressions e and e' are extensionally equivalent provided (a) they are of the same type, and (b) one of the following holds:

  1. they both evaluate to extensionally equivalent values, or
  2. they both raise extensionally equivalent exceptions when evaluates, or
  3. both loop forever when evaluated.

(Two exceptions are extensionally equivalent if they are the same kind of exception and their payloads are extensionally equivalent.)

When e and e' are extensionally equivalent, we write e == e' in code and \(e\cong e'\) on paper.

3.5. Using this Definition

For us to actually use this definition, we need to introduce the various base types and germane information, like:

  • Values of the type
  • Primitive Operations provided by the Standard Basis
  • Typing rules associated with the primitive operations
  • Evaluation rules

Since most of the primitive operations are functions and Standard ML is call-by-value, the only evaluation rules we really need are for the special functions like andalso, orelse, etc.

What exactly are "values"? They correspond to non-expansive expressions as found in §4.7 of the 1997 Definition of Standard ML. These are literal values ("special constants"), tuples of non-expansive expressions, function values, constructors applied to non-expansive expressions, etc.

4. Initial Specification of a Few Types

We need to specify a few of the "base types" for Standard ML before we can reason about things. This will include giving the operational semantics for a few of the functions found in the Standard basis library (i.e., "primitive functions").

We should also provide similar specifications for char, string, unit. The other interesting types are tuples, records, functions; we do not specify these, but they should be understood.

4.1. Integers

All the integers (this may or may not coincide with your implementation, we assume this is the case).
Let e1, e2 be integer expressions. Then we have the following additional operations: e1 + e2, e1 - e2, e1 * e2, e1 div e2, e1 mod e2, among many others found in the Standard Basis library's INTEGER signature.
Typing Rules
If <op> is a binary operator of integers, if e1 : int and e2 : int, then e1 <op> e2 : int.
These operations are evaluated "from left to right" by first evaluating the arguments, then producing the final value.

For an explicit example of the evaluation rules, we have for addition the following three rules:

\begin{equation} \frac{e_{1}\stackrel{1}{\Longrightarrow}e_{1}'}{e_{1}~\mbox{\texttt{+}}~e_{2} \stackrel{1}{\Longrightarrow} e_{1}'~\mbox{\texttt{+}}~e_{2}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{n_{1}~\mbox{value}\qquad e_{2}\stackrel{1}{\Longrightarrow}e_{2}'}{n_{1}~\mbox{\texttt{+}}~e_{2} \stackrel{1}{\Longrightarrow} n_{1}~\mbox{\texttt{+}}~e_{2}'} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{n_{1}~\mbox{value}\qquad n_{2}~\mbox{value}}{n_{1}~\mbox{\texttt{+}}~n_{2} \stackrel{1}{\Longrightarrow} n} \end{equation}

where \(n\) is the integer value representing the sum of the integer values \(n_{1}\) and \(n_{2}\).

The other evaluation rules are similarly defined.

4.2. Booleans

true and false
Let e1 and e2 be Boolean expressions. Then e1 andalso e2, e1 orelse e2, not e1 are Boolean expressions. If t1, t2 are any two expressions of type T, then if e1 then t1 else t2 is an expression of type T.
Typing Rules
As we would expect.
The definition specifies e1 andalso e2 is syntactic sugar for if e1 then e2 else false, and e1 orelse e2 is syntactic sugar for if e1 then true else e2. By "syntactic sugar", we mean we can replace andalso, orelse with these expressions.

5. Basic Properties

For every syntactically valid Standard ML expression e (i.e., e is well-typed and has type T) that we can evaluate, exactly one of the following holds:

  • e ==> v for some value v : T
  • the evaluation of e raises some exception
  • the evaluation of e loops forever.

The dynamic semantics for expressions in Standard ML is given by rules (90) through (149) of the 1997 Definition. By inspection, we see that these are the only possibilities.

Two expressions e and e' are said to be Extensionally Equivalent (written \(e\cong e'\) or e == e') if there is a type T such that e : T and e' : T, and one of the following holds:

  • there are values v : T and v' : T such that e ==> v and e' ==> v' and v == v', or
  • the evaluation of e and e' both raise extensionally equivalent exceptions, or
  • the evaluation of both e and e' loop forever.

If e1 ==> e2, then e1 == e2.

If e1 =​=​> e and e2 =​​=​> e, then e1 =​= e2.

Equivalence is an equivalence relation:

  1. Reflexivity: e == e
  2. Symmetry: if e1 == e2, then e2 == e1
  3. Transitivity: if e1 == e2 and e2 == e3, then e1 == e3.

Proof of reflexivity: by theorem 5, there are three possibilities when trying to evaluate e:

  1. Consider v : T such that e ==> v. Then e ==> v and e ==> v, and v == v, which means e == e by definition of extensional equivalence.
  2. The evaluation of e raises an exception, which is extensionally equivalent to itself. Hence e == e by the second clause of the definition of extensional equivalence.
  3. The evaluation of e loops forever. Then e == e by the third clause of the definition of extensional equivalence.

Proof of symmetry is similar, working by cases given by the clauses of the definition of extensional equivalence.

Transitivity is similarly done by cases, using symmetry of extensional equivalence to prove the first case, and possibly some lemmas for the remaining two cases.

Furthermore, extensional equivalence is a congruence (in the sense of universal algebra), meaning we can replace one expression with an equivalent one "inside" any bigger expression. Let us formalize this notion using the idea of "referential transparency".

  1. We call a context \(E[-]\) (i.e., an "expression with a hole") Referentially Transparent if for any \(e\hookrightarrow v\) of appropriate type we have \(E[e]\cong E[v]\).
  2. We can call an expression \(e\) Referentially Transparent if for every well-typed sub-expression \(e_{1}\) there is a corresponding context \(E[-]\) such that (a) we have \(E[e_{1}]=e\) identically, and (b) \(E[-]\) is a referentially transparent context.
  3. We want to work with referentially transparent expressions.

The intuition is that referentially transparent expressions are "pure functions" or build out of "pure functions". There are no side-effects when evaluating a referentially transparent expression.

Let \(e\) be a referentially transparent expression. Let \(e_{1}\) be any subexpression of \(e\) and \(e = E[e_{1}]\). Then for any well-typed expression \(e_{2}\cong e_{1}\) we have \(E[e_{1}]\cong E[e_{2}]\).

For applications, we may generalize from the situation with a single argument:

  • If e2 == e2', then e1 e2 == e1 e2'
  • If e1 == e1', then e1 e2 == e1' e2

On tuples, the general pattern may be gleaned from the ordered pair:

  • If e1 == e1', then (e1, e2) == (e1', e2)
  • If e2 == e2', then (e1, e2) == (e1, e2')

If e1 == e1', then (let val x = e1 in e2 end) == (let val x = e1' in e2 end).

If e1 == e1', then

case e of [] => e1 | x :: xs => e2


case e of [] => e1' | x :: xs => e2

For subexpressions which "go under binders", we quantify over all values of the appropriate type. Consider the following examples:

(Function bodies) If for all values v : T, e[v/x] == e'[v/x], then (fn x : T => e) == (fn x : T => e').

(Let bodies) If for all values v : T, we have e2[v/x] == e2'[v/x], then (let val x : T = e1 in e2 end) == (let val x : T = e1 in e2' end).

(Destructuring lists) If for all values v and vs we have e2[v/x][vs/xs] == e2'[v/x][vs/xs], then

case e of [] => e1 | x::xs => e2


case e of [] => e1 | x::xs => e2'

6. Reductions

Since Standard ML is call-by-value, we evaluate the arugment to a function before substituting into the body. We can express this by the following:

If e2 |-> e2', then (fn x => e) e2 |-> (fn x => e) e2'.

We write |-> for one step of calculation, and we write ==> to mean there have been an arbitrary number of steps.

For short-circuiting boolean operators, andalso and orelse, we have different rules of evaluation:

  • If e1 ==> true, then e1 andalso e2 ==> e2 and e1 orelse e2 ==> true;
  • If e1 ==> false, then e1 andalso e2 ==> false and e1 orelse e2 ==> e2.

(This is because andalso and orelse are not functions)

If e' value, then (fn x => e) e' = e[e'/x].

The critical aspect of this second rule is the premise e' value. We have several other reduction rules, which "should be obvious".

(case [] of [] => e1 | x::xs => e2) == e1


If v::vs value, then (case v::vs of [] => e1 | x::xs => e2) == e2[v/x][vs/xs]

If (v1,v2) value, then (let val (x,y) = (v1,v2) in e end) == e[v1/x][v2/y].

If e' is valuable, then ((fn x => e) e') == (let x = e' in e end).

7. Type-Directed Rules

Two functions are equivalent if they agree on all arguments; i.e., if for all values v : T1 we have f v == g v : T2, then f == g : T1 -> T2.

Further, for all values v and v', if v == v' : T1, then f v == g v' : T2

Constructors are injective and disjoint.

Denote by != the negation of our equivalence relation (so a != b means not a==b), then we have

  • x::xs != []
  • If y::ys == x::xs, then x==y and xs==ys.

8. Valuability

[] valuable

If x and xs are valuable (with values v and vs, respectively), then x::xs valuable.

If x and y are valuable, then (x,y) valuable.

(fn x => e) valuable

If f total and e valuable, then (f e) valuable.

To prove f:T->T' is total, we want to show f v is valuable for all values v:T.

Let e, e1, e2 be expressions. If:

  • e is valuable,
  • e==[] implies e1 valuable, and
  • for all values v and vs, e==v::vs implies e2[v/x][vs/xs] is valuable;

…then we have

(case e of [] => e1 | x::xs => e2) valuable

In general, valuability is closed under equivalence: If e==e' and e' is valuable, then e is valuable.

(Valuable-Stepping Principle)

If e2 is a valuable expression, then (fn x => e1) e2 == e1[e2/x].

This can be made more complicated if e1 or e2 is impure.

9. Inversions

For closed terms, e == v implies e evaluates to a value e ==> v' where v' == v. This justifies the following inversion(s):

If e1 e2 == v, then there exists an expression e and a value v such that

  1. e1 == (fn x => e)
  2. e2 == v2
  3. e[v2/x] == v

If case e of [...] is valuable, then e is valuable.

10. Concluding Remarks

For the axiomatic behaviour and contracts for the standard basis library, I would defer to the Basis library of Hamlet:

HaMLet emphasizes adherence to the Standard ML definition, so this may be useful.

11. References

Last Updated 2023-03-04 Sat 10:54.