MYSTIC Challenge

by Alex Nelson, 11 June 2024

I’ve been reading a bit about the Hilbert programme, inspired by that and Make A Lisp, I thought I would pitch a new challenge:

…or the MYSTIC challenge.

The outline of this blog post may broadly be partitioned into two sections:

  1. The “fluff”: we review Hilbert’s programme as the historical motivation for…well…all of modern mathematics. But it was articulated before computers could even be imagined. So what if we could use some tools from computer science (formal languages and grammars, compilers and interpreters, etc.) and apply them to Hilbert’s programme?
  2. The challenge itself: implement a proof assistant which might be viewed as an analogous counterpart of Hilbert’s “finitary methods”, and use it to formalize “real mathematics”.

Hilbert Programme

A historian, however, has the perspective of hindsight, which, alas, cannot be said of the actual participants. So, rather than pointing an accusatory finger, with righteous cries of “how could they have been so stupid?” it behooves us more to shake our heads in pity as we contemplate our forebears’ blind stumbling into the very brink of destruction.

— Sandy Mitchell, For the Emperor (2003)

At the close of the 19th century, the entire universe was threatened: the very foundations of mathematics appeared to be inconsistent.

Recall Euclid’s geometry is presented as a set of axioms. We should recall specifically its fifth axiom: given a line $\ell$ and a point $P$ not on $\ell$, we can construct a line $\ell’$ passing through $P$ and parallel to $\ell$.

Lobachevsky in 1829, and Bolyai in 1833, proved there are infinitely many lines $\ell’$ passing through $P$ which are parallel to $\ell$. This challenged the status of an “axiom” as a “self-evidently true proposition”.

If this fifth axiom of Euclid could be “wrong”, this begs the question: what about the consistency of mathematics as a whole? Could we end up deducing a contradiction? Euclid’s axioms are (or were) intuitive appealing and straightforward, but if one of them could be wrong…what hope would a more complicated mathematical theory (like differential calculus) have for being consistent?

This was the setting when our hero, David Hilbert, came along. In his 1904 talk “On the foundations of geometry and arithmetic”, he outlined the sketch of his plan which Hilbert began in earnest around the end of World War 1 (c. 1918). The plan of attack was to give these concerns the old “one, two buckle-my-shoe”:

Step 1: Formulate mathematics axiomatically. Treat “classical mathematics” (i.e., all mathematics formulated using classical logic) as an axiomatic system.

David Hilbert reformulated the notion of the “axiomatic method” as mathematicians now recognize it: we introduce some “primitive notions” which are undefined terms, which should satisfy some “axioms”, and then we will deduce theorems syntactically from the axioms. That is to say, we should adhere to a formalist position. Cynics castigated this approach as a “meaningless manipulation of symbols”, but this was only so we could then treat a theorem and its proof as a finite mathematical object.

We should also take a step back and admire something here: Hilbert invented proof theory in this first step. This study of “syntactic proofs” didn’t exist until Hilbert developed as just one mere component of his programme.

Step 2: Use “finitary methods” to prove the consistency of axiomatic systems. Now, there were multiple different philosophical perspectives on the crisis in the foundations of mathematics, and they all radically disagreed with how to proceed. David Hilbert said (if I may paraphrase his argument), “Look, it seems that Brouwer’s intuitionism is just finitism, so let’s use that to prove the consistency of the axiomatization of ‘ideal mathematics’ from the first step of our programme.”

(This was later seen as a mistaken understanding of Brouwer’s intuitionism, as Bernays reported in a letter from Zurich dated October 25, 1925. Bernays and Weyl met in Zurich and found an example where intuitionism could prove a result which finitism could not. But still, Hilbert’s “finitary methods” could be viewed as a fragment of intuitionism!)

Towards this end, Hilbert invented epsilon calculus and used it to prove various results in mathematical logic.

The exact implementation details was to use some fragment of arithmetic (now generally agreed to be primitive recursive arithmetic or “PRA” for short) and to encode a way to prove results concerning axiomatic systems using PRA alone. The last lingering item Hilbert was curious about: how to prove the consistency of an axiomatic system using these techniques?

Well, there’s an old saying about curiosity and murdering felines. And the cat-killing-bastard Kurt Godel proved in 1931 that it’s impossible to prove the consistency of any axiomatic system along the lines that David Hilbert hoped to accomplish. The Hilbert programme unraveled in light of these results, and the rest is history.

Caution: A “Comic-Book” History

As I have presented the history of the Hilbert programme, it is more of a “comic book history” than a rigorous piece of historical scholarship.

For one thing, Hilbert never stated “I have a research programme, and here it is: …”, so the entire notion of a single coherent “Hilbert programme” is arguably post-hoc and unjustified.

Further, the discussion of “finitary methods” in Hilbert’s writings and lecture notes are vague. Perhaps there are more lecture notes which are not translated (or even yet-to-be-discovered) which outlines more fully what Hilbert meant by the term.

I downplayed the heroic efforts of Hilbert’s colleagues, Wilhelm Ackermann and Paul Bernays, who played pivotal roles in Hilbert’s post-WW1 work. And Hilbert lavishly praises their contribution quite explicitly in his papers, lectures, etc.

Despite all this, the “mythology” I presented is not terribly unreasonable as a presentation of events. But I want to stress that it is a mythology, and the interested reader should peruse Richard Zach’s articles for serious scholarship on the subject.

Reflections on Impact

I cannot deny the audacity, cleverness, and even romantic aspects to Hilbert’s programme.

Bourbaki took Hilbert’s epsilon calculus as their foundations, and worked entirely using Hilbert’s axiomatic method (see my rational reconstruction of Bourbaki’s foundations for the details). This basically altered the course of mathematics forever.

The failure of Hilbert’s programme has not deterred logicians from taking inspiration from it, thinking about it along similar lines. Soloman Feferman’s “What rests on what? The proof-theoretic analysis of mathematics” (1993) is one such example.

But we should also recognize that Hilbert was working 30 years before electronic computers came about, about 40 years before formal grammar and programming languages emerged, and that a lot of Hilbert’s programme could be anachronistically recast using notions from computer science. That’s what motivated my thinking behind this challenge…

MYSTIC Challenge

And Now for Something Completely Different…

— Monty Python (1971)

Isabelle is a proof assistant which could be viewed as a generalization to some aspects of Hilbert’s programme:

  1. If we change Hilbert’s programme from “axiomatizing classical mathematics” to “axiomatizing classical mathematics”, then the analogous counterpart to “finitary methods” is a generic engine for foundations of mathematics (a.k.a., a logical framework). This is precisely what Isabelle is designed for!
  2. Isabelle is a fragment of intuitionistic HOL, and HOL light is arguably the proof assistant with the smallest kernel which could be checked by hand.
  3. Isabelle’s “metalogic” is sufficiently weak, arguably weaker than $\lambda\Pi$ and significantly weaker than the calculus-of-constructions. This makes it stay faithful to the motivation of using finitary methods in Hilbert’s programme.

Among other reasons, while reading up on Hilbert’s programme, I was inspired to think about Isabelle as a sort of “Hilbert programme 2: Electric Boogaloo”, which led me to this MYSTIC challenge.

Well, since Isabelle is an intuitionistic fragment of HOL, I suppose you could call this the HOL-bert program (you’re welcome, Stanley!).

Alternatively, you could look to ACL2 as an example of a theorem prover based on PRA + induction up to $\varepsilon_{0}$ (making it as strong as Peano arithmetic), and use that as the metalanguage for implementing a proof assistant for classical mathematics.

Or you could use the LOOP programming language which is essentially PRA reconsidered as a programming language. (You might actually want to use it as an “assembly language”, and write a more ML-like language which compiles down to LOOP.)

There are countless variations to the basic challenge, each interesting in their own way. I’m going to outline the basic steps in building an LCF proof assistant, point to references in the literature for more detail for the reader, and leave most of it up to you. (If I did too much, it spoils the fun…)

Step 1: Basic structure of Isabelle as Lambda Calculus

Isabelle’s system is basically a simply typed $\lambda$ calculus with one primitive type and type variables. In pidgin Haskell, it looks like:

data Type = Prop
          | TyVar String
          | TyFun Type Type

The terms are free variables, bound variables, constants, lambda abstractions, and applications. There are dozens (if not 1001 ways) to encode bounded variables. Locally nameless variables are among the most popular, so that might work. In pidgin Haskell, we would expect something like:

data Term = Var -- implementation dependent
          | Const String Type
          | Abs Term Term -- also implementation dependent
          | App Term Term

There are several primitive terms in the metalogic with the following “meta-types” (in Haskell, they are terms of type Term specifically using Const "term" (...), but I’m writing down the Type using familiar notation):

Step 2: Implement an LCF Kernel

To make this a proof assistant, we can use the LCF approach (which Isabelle also takes). This defines an abstract type thm and provides ways to combine them together (inference rules) or construct them from terms (axioms).

I am tempted to follow a lot of HOL Light’s design decisions, to make the kernel as minimal as possible (even if that makes the resulting proof assistant a little slow).

There are 14 inference rules for Isabelle’s metalogic. You can find them in, e.g.,

The pidgin code for this has at least the following Standard ML signature:

signature KERNEL = sig
    (* abstract types *)
    type thm;
    type Type; (* from step 1 *)
    type Term; (* from step 1 *)

    (* public facing *)
    val prop_type : Type;
    (* constructors *)
    val mk_var : string -> Type -> Term;
    val mk_const : string -> Type -> Term;
    (* etc. *)
    (* accessors *)
    val dest_var : Term -> (String, Type);
    val dest_const : Term -> (String, Type);
    (* etc. *)
    (* predicates *)
    val is_var : Term -> bool;
    val is_const : Term -> bool;
    (* etc. *)
    (* inference rules and axioms *)
    val REFL : Term -> thm;
    val TRANS : thm -> thm -> thm;
    (* etc. *)

Then implement a Standard ML structure for it (or whatever the analogous thing would be in your chosen programming language).

This “step” can take a weekend to do fully.

For a full tutorial on this step alone, the reader may consult Jon Sterling’s LCF Sequent Calculus Example and Michael Norrish’s slides about HOL more generally.


Additional Steps

At this point you have a small LCF prover for an intuitionistic fragment of HOL. Here are some further steps you can follow:

Step 3: Definitions. You need to be able to add definitions of simple constants $c = t$ where $c$ is a new constant term symbol and $t$ is a closed term.

HOL Light implements definitions as an association list, which is just a global variable. Freek Wiedijk’s “Stateless HOL” (arXiv:1103.3322) modified the structure of HOL Light to a more purely functional approach, passing along the definitions as a parameter.

Things to ponder:

Some references for some backstory:

Step 4: Inductive types and definitions. These are helpful for reasoning about object languages. Following Tom Melham’s brilliant insight to use the Tarski-Knaster theorem, every HOL system follows suite.

Some references may be useful on this subject:

Step 5. Higher-order resolution. Consider implementing resolution in the metalogic for reasoning about the object logic. You could also implement tableaux methods, if you want, but higher-order resolution has the advantage of failing faster than first-order resolution. Gilles Dowek advocates using it for trying to find out if a theory is consistent or not, and now you’ve built a tool which allows you to explore this claim!

Subsequent projects

There’s many ways to develop the toy model we’ve built together. Here are some ways which spring to mind…

Project 1: Parser and Printer. So far, you will have been constructing everything in the “object logic” by hand manually. This is tedious at the best of times. Isabelle implements an Earley parser for the “object logic” (see §8.4.5 “Ambiguity of parsed expressions” of the Isabelle/Isar manual). If you don’t know what an Earley parser is, it’s roughly \begin{equation} \begin{pmatrix}\mbox{Earley}\\ \mbox{Parser}\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}\mbox{Recursive}\\ \mbox{Descent}\\ \mbox{Parser}\end{pmatrix} +\begin{pmatrix}\mbox{Dynamic}\\ \mbox{Programming}\end{pmatrix} \end{equation}

If you’ve made it a Lispy-like syntax for the “object logic”, you might not want to do this step, but it’s always fun writing parsers and prettyprinters.

Project 2: Declarative Proof Steps. Isabelle has Isar, which is nice for its purposes, but there is really little better than Mizar for formalizing mathematics. Mizar was designed intentionally as a formal language for how working mathematicians actually do mathematics. Study the design space here for declarative proof steps, and experiment with what works and what doesn’t.

Some references might be useful:

Project 3: Formalize mathematics. Mathematicians use an amalgam of foundations in practice. It’s actually approximately a linear combination of a “soft type system” + set theory + a fragment of HOL (for schemes). Try different ways to implement this as an “object logic” in your MYSTIC assistant.

Isabelle/Mizar was built to study this design space, and this design space is still feels underinvestigated.

A second approach: Kevin Buzzard insists mathematicians really must change how they do mathematics, and write Principia Mathematica style proofs using Buzzard’s preferred foundations. I’m not sure that’s the right approach (reinventing the Hindenburg seldom works).

A third, better, approach would be to think about inventing a Java-like “input language” which can compile to any foundations you like. (“Write once, run anywhere” was the motto for Java, it seems like the right approach to formalizing mathematics.) What would be a suitable Java-like language for formalizing mathematics which resembles how mathematicians actually work?

Mario Carneiro has been working on something similar to this third line of attack, where he has “compiled” Lean to Metamath Zero (and HOL to Metamath Zero). One difference worth drawing attention to: Carneiro has been trying to use Metamath as the “JVM” for mathematics, rather than looking for a “Java language” of mathematics.

Project 4: Ouroboros-ify it. Formalize a statically-typed functional programming language using your proof assistant, implement it, verify the implementation, and use this to re-implement your MYSTIC proof assistant.

This is a bit of a joke, of course, but it is a fascinating project to consider. CakeML is working towards realizing such a project, and still has a bit of a ways to go.

One step towards this end might suffice: add “code generation” support for your proof assistant.

Concluding Remarks

There are a lot of different ways to go about this “use computers to rationally reconstruct Hilbert’s programme in terms of proof assistants” series of projects. I’ve only outlined a few, which seemed to fit the Isabelle project like a glove.

Doubtless, there are many other possible variations, approaches, constraints, designs, and machinations that I haven’t even thought of!

But drop me an email (pqnelson at gmail). Did you make it to the end? Were there any steps which were just too big? Did you wish I added more information anywhere? Less information? Are you filled with murderous rage because of how frustrating the whole endeavor was? Let me know, I’d like to iteratively improve this with your help.

We have come a long way together, dear readers. We have scaled the Himalayas […]. We have stood on Philosophy’s roof. You could see your house from there. No surprise; you could have made Philosophy your home! Your patience, fortitude, and courage are deeply appreciated. You never grumbled or complained. Okay, maybe once or twice, but I didn’t hear. […]

And if, peradventure, you suspect that you were already able to [do this] on your own and didn’t need this book…well, then it served its purpose. Dorothy always had the power to go back to Kansas. Toto too? Toto too.

J. M. Fritzman, Hegel (2014)


Hilbert Programme

Finitary Methods

About Isabelle