What even is "literate programming"?

by Alex Nelson, 29 May 2024

There are more hot takes on “literate programming” than I’d care to enumerate, so I’d like to focus on trying to figure out what Donald Knuth means by the term “literate programming”. What is it? When is it useful? How do I do “literate programming”?

I try to answer these questions with what I’ve learned about “literate programming” (in Knuth’s sense) over the past few years.

Knuth’s Original Intent?

I contend that Knuth originally intended literate programming to be used for top-down discussions, combined with programming willy-nilly (top-down, bottom-up, or any other orientation one desires).

It’s important to bear in mind the context when Knuth came up with this approach (around 1974, according to a dated letter Knuth sent de Marneffe). Structured programming has become accepted as “the” way to program, which brought with it top-down design as “the” way to approach a problem. But enough time has passed since the publication of Structured Programming by Dijkstra, Hoare, and friends, to have accumulated experience with its shortcomings.

The appeal of top-down programming speaks for itself: we understand things by analyzing them into components and how these components relate to each other. But doing this in practice…well, in the 1970s, this led to needless ritual and some code bloat thanks to the cookie-cutter template Harlan Mills turned it into. Mills argued the top-down design was a corollary to structured programming, so we were all forced to live with it as Mills described top-down design: carve up a program into subprograms which were implemented as subroutines. Then iterate this step until you’ve got a functioning program.

I think that Knuth wanted to retain certain elements of top-down programming, namely the ability to decompose a “chunk” of code into constituents and discuss the relationship between them. But without being tied to introducing a subroutine for each constituent of a decomposition, whether it made sense or not (as was the fad of 1970s cargo-cult structured programming).

What leads me to think along this line of reasoning is that Knuth states in the WEB manual that, among the influences for literate programming,

(3) The top-down style of exposition encouraged by WEB was of course chiefly influenced by Edsger Dijkstra’s essays on structured programming in the late 1960s. The less well known work of Pierre-Arnoul de Marneffe [“Holon programming: A survey,” Univ. de Liege, Service Informatique, Liege, Belgium, 1973; 135 pp., eprint] also had a significant influence on the author as WEB was being formulated. (4) Edwin Towster has proposed a similar style of documentation in which the programmer is supposed to specify the relevant data structure environment in the name of each submodule [“A convention for explicit declaration of environments and top-down refinement of data,” IEEE Trans. on Software Eng. SE–5 (1979), 374–386, doi:10.1109/TSE.1979.234205]; this requirement seems to make the documentation a bit too verbose, although experience with WEB has shown that any unusual control structure or data structure should definitely be incorporated into the module names on psychological grounds.

(Note: I have added link to Marneffe’s paper and DOI link to Towster’s paper for ease of reference.)

This reveals more than it may seem:

  1. Literate programming focuses on top-down exposition (whatever that means);
  2. Looking at Towster’s article, it’s clear he organizes a program using chunking, even calling the sections/nodes “chunks” which forms a tree-like structure, which has code as its terminal nodes.

The relevant part of Towster’s paper seems to be from the second page:

Every node of the tree is a “chunk” with a “chunk name” that stands for the declarations at the terminal nodes of its subtree. The programmer need not conceive of the terminal nodes before coding begins, only the topmost nodes of the tree, as needed to functionally describe the data in the topmost modules of the program. Additional nodes are created and attached to the tree as programming proceeds, with descendant nodes representing the data used in implementing the data structure described by their ancestor nodes. The tree is thus developed top-downwards (from root to terminal nodes) as the program is being written.

This is all well and fine, but how does someone actually write a literate program? Knuth doesn’t say, and the closest I could find is in Wayne Sewell’s book Weaving a Program: Literate Programming in Web (1989) which Knuth wrote a foreward for (and so, I guess, endorsed the strategies Sewell suggests). Chapter 3 of Sewell’s book gives us explicitly a “how to” tutorial in section 1:

If this is accurate to how Knuth envisions literate programming, then I never would have guessed it in a million years.

Examples of Literate Programming

Knuth gives us examples of literate programming, but I want to look at examples from other people.

David R. Hanson’s C Interfaces and Implementations: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software (Addison-Wesley Professional, 1996) is often cited as one, but it is rather stale as a literate program. The named code chunks are unimaginative boiler-plate names, like “<Include files for foo.c>” or <my_module.h>.

David R. Hanson and Christopher Fraser’s Retargetable C Compiler, A: Design and Implementation (Addison-Wesley Professional, 1995) is another example cited as a literate program, but it is a post hoc literate program: the C compiler was written first, and years later this commentary was built around it.

I would argue the only example of a successful literate program is Bob Nystrom’s Crafting Interpreters, and I’m not sure that Nystrom was even aware of the notion of “literate programming” when he wrote his book. He wrote a blog post Crafting Crafting Interpreters about his experience and approach. In particular, what jumps out at me is the observation:

After a few months, it was all there. Every single line of code for the entire book. A complete list of chapters. And I hadn’t written a single word of prose. In theory, “all” that remained was writing some text to explain the code I had already written along with some pictures. But, for me at least, English is a much more taxing language to write than C or Java. I had all of the difficult work ahead of me, and all of the fun was done.

In other words, Bob Nystrom wrote the code and the list of chapters, revised the code quite heavily, made sure the “chapter dependencies” were linear, all before writing any prose. This is in direct conflict with the advice given by Meyers’s book.

I was really curious about specific advice Nystrom had to offer about literate programming, so I emailed him for any wisdom he could share with me. The recommendations:

  1. Have simple code, because the more complicated the code, the more complicated the explanations.
  2. Avoid large-scale cyclic dependencies, minimize “forward declarations” of concepts. I took this to mean that ideally in chapter N, you should rely on everything from previous chapters and nothing from future chapters. In particular, this means you should build your program using bottom-up coding.
  3. Explain things top/down at the chapter or section level. If you code bottom-up, readers don’t understand why you’re doing it. This requires explaining to them the big picture, which motivates the code.
  4. Edit, edit, edit. Both the code and the prose, you can never edit too much.

Again, I never would have guessed this in a million years if I just read Donald Knuth’s articles alone.

When do you want “literate programming”?

Tl;dr: if you want to preserve knowledge, then literate programming is a good fit.

(There may be other cases when literate programming is a good fit, but this is the one use-case where it definitely works well.)

The times when I have done something like literate programming boil down to instances like numerical analysis, where I have some derivation of the algorithm from mathematics, and that doesn’t fit well as a comment. I also don’t want to throw away the derivation (“future me” may forget how it was done).

Bob Nystrom’s book is literally about preserving his knowledge about, well, crafting interpreters.

Even the books I cited by Hanson are about preserving knowledge, either about a particular C compiler, or about particular programming practices in C.

Arguably, Knuth’s use of WEB for TeX and Metafont was to preserve knowledge about the intended algorithms for typesetting, to make sure the code actually implements them.

What even made me think about investigating literate programming further was an attempt to collate and preserve knowledge related to the implementation of proof assistants (“theorem provers”).

It’s a bit of a stretch to conclude, “Therefore, if you want to preserve some knowledge intimitely tied to your program, then use literate programming”, because we have a sample size of N=4 or so. But it is the only commonality they all share.

But now that I’m thinking about it, in my post on retrocomputing project ideas, the ideas where I asked to write a blogpost series or book about it, well, that was because it was preserving some kind of knowledge. Many of those ideas were natural candidates for literate programming (in my mind as I wrote it).

Problems with Literate Programming

All problems with literate programming boil down to the trade-off between pedagogy and programming.

When programming, it’s not uncommon to write a function that’s “good enough for now”, and revise it later. This is impossible to adequately do in literate programming. It happens a lot more with explanations, and you see this in Crafting Interpreters where Nystrom refactors portions of code into new functions. This is impossible to adequately do in Knuth’s WEB (or CWEB) approach.

Unit testing is not supported one bit in WEB, but you can cobble something together in CWEB. I have a hard time imagining writing a program without any unit tests at all, but it “goes against the grain” of literate programming. This is probably something more to do with Knuth’s personal philosophy than literate programming as a whole. We could easily imagine a situation where TDD is used in literate programming, the tests are written before the function, and so on.

Explaining what you’re doing is hard, in general. Asking programmers to explain what they’re doing is hard (because giving explanations is hard).

With git, some have adopted the convention to have a one-line summary for the changes, and then provide quite a bit of context for the changes in the commit log. This defeats the purpose of literate programming quite a bit (the explanations are there, in the commit!). But revisions to a literate program were seen by Knuth as analogous to errata for a book (there are “changefiles” for WEB programs which are modeled after errata), which is farthest from the contemporary usage.

Probably the biggest hindrance to literate program today is that no one cares about preserving knowledge. Silicon Valley tech-bros don’t care about the humanities and believe that knowledge could never be lost (and, even if knowledge were lost, who cares anyways?).

How to write a literate program?

The big unresolved question I have lingering on my mind is: How do I write a Knuth-style literate program?

This is hard, because it boils down to How do I write well in computer science?

Here’s one strategy: You pick your audience (usually a programmer competent in whatever programming language you are using), you state your problems, you state the solutions, and then you implement it. Easy, right?

“State the problem” itself is a struggle, unless it’s a well understood domain. Entire papers have been dedicated to stating a problem, and refining the problem statement.

“State the solution” simplifies the discussion of design decisions, the tradeoffs considered and weighed, the different alternative solutions. Again, entire books have been written on this subject just for sorting. And we’re assuming that the design space is well understood enough for entertaining a discussion, sometimes we just have a few possibilities which are later viewed as “entirely the wrong way to look at things”.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves, we’ll find that even picking the tool and organizing our content are highly nontrivial affairs.

Picking your tool

It depends on your programming language.

The difficult that crops up is there are so few tools for literate programming that you may have to roll your own. (Dare I say, you could write a literate program for literate programming?)

This forces you to consider your writing style. Knuth originally intended writing a linear sequence of (a) code chunks with optional commentary, and (b) commentary without code chunks (“propositions”?). This was enumerated for ease of reference, but it makes for awkward reading nowadays. Is this still the best way to organize a literate program?

What about pretty printing and syntax highlighting? Knuth took heavy inspiration from the ACM’s typesetting of ALGOL for prettyprinting code chunks. Is this still wise? What about modern conventions using different colors for keywords, and teletype font for the code? What makes more sense now?

I don’t know, there’s an argument for thinking of a program along the lines of an extension to mathematics (so variables would be italicized, for example, as in mathematics). But you need to dedicate serious time to pondering it, and the only way to really make progress is by experimenting with examples.

Organizing your content

As I mentioned with picking your tool, organizing your content is half the battle for writing in general. Paul Halmost once remarked (as dutifully noted in Knuth and friends’s Mathematical Writing) that the two anchors for a writer are:

  1. Do organize your material.
  2. Don’t confuse your reader.

In mathematics, we can organize our material as a linear sequence of enumerated propositions, definitions, examples, theorems, and remarks. Charles Wells called this the “labeled style” of mathematical prose. It works well in mathematics, but it is viewed as old-fashioned now (Euler did it, Arthur Besse did it, but even Bourbaki abandoned this style).

Can we add to the “species” of enumerated propositions something like a “code chunk” and call it a day?

I think this is what Knuth does in his Art of Computer Programming. The “Algorithm” environment acts as an extended discussion and commentary for parts of the assembly code, which are presented in the “Program” environments.

But is this the best way when you carve out “subchunks”? Wouldn’t it make sense to write something like:

27. Parse expression. We check that we have a valid token, then work through a trie. But we just skip whitespace and comments, since they don’t affect the AST. We initially try guessing the token is a number, then fallback to a reserved keyword, and when all else fails we call it an identifier.

fn parse(&mut self) -> Token {
    <Check for errors>
    <Skip whitespace and comments>
    <Try parsing for a number>
    <Try parsing for a reserved keyword>
    <Default to an identifier>

27.1. Checking for errors. [Note the number is now reflecting this is a “subchunk” of item 27.] We do the following: blah blah blah…

// code for error checking omitted

27.2. Skipping comments and whitespace. [Again, this is the second constituent to chunk 27, so it is numbered 27.2] This boils down to skipping whitespace, then checking if we have a comment. If we encounter a comment, skip it until the end of the line, and try skipping whitespace again.

while self.skip_whitespace() && self.skip_comment() {}

27.2.1. Skipping whitespace. This needs to be a Boolean-valued function, and it’s straightforward.

fn skip_whitespace(&mut self) -> bool {
    let mut result = false;
    while self.advance().is_whitespace() {
        result = true;
    return result;

27.2.2. Skipping comments. If we encounter a comment, we skip to the end of the line.

fn skip_comment(&mut self) -> bool {
    let result = self.is_comment();
    if result {
    return result;

27.2.3. Skipping until end of line. We skip everything until we get to a newline character. This will be consumed by the skip_whitespace() function in the next iteration, which will handle updating the line counter in the advance() function.

fn skip_to_end_of_line(&mut self) {
    while '\n' != self.peek() {

This is all pidgin code, but the organization is there: these are all elucidating steps in a particular function defined in chunk 27. Does this make it more or less readable? Are we being merciful or cruel to the reader?

There is a certain logic to this organizational scheme of subchunks, but it requires putting a pause on working through the rest of the chunk 27 (which strains the reader’s attention considerably). And the code is so self-documenting, do we really need 27.2? Couldn’t we just insert that into the code directly?

Is there a limit to the “depth” of subchunks? While writing 27.1, 27.2, 27.2.1, 27.2.2, all seem fine, what about Where is the line drawn between ease of organization for the author, and ease of reading for the reader?

These considerations should be seriously weighed, but are obviously orthogonal to programming.

Remark. In general, it appears that anything beyond a depth of three or four numbers is too much for humans to juggle. This is why Knuth’s Art of Computer Programming limits itself to a depth of 4, why Alan U. Kennington’s Differential Geometry Reconstructed limits itself to a depth of 3. (End of Remark)

Writing the code first or last?

I believe Bob Nystrom wrote the code for Crafting Interpreters hand-in-hand with the outline of the book, revised the code and outline iteratively, and once the code was finished only then did he start the prose, then iteratively revised the code and the prose. He made it work.

David Hanson and Chris Fraser wrote the code first, then hastily assembled prose around it. In Hanson and Fraser’s C Compiler book, there are portions where the authors admit to forgetting why certain portions of the code were the way it was, stating that the time lapse between coding and exposition was quite a while, and only vaguely recalling a bug on SPARC architectures. I don’t think Hanson and Fraser enjoyed the same degree of success as Nystrom.

Wayne Sewell wrote the prose and design first, editing this, iterating these two steps until it was satisfactory. The code was written last. Perhaps this works well, perhaps not, but it earned the endorsement of Donald Knuth.

The key step in writing is rewriting (arguably this is true for writing as well as programming), which is difficult to do with literate programming. The commentary could become stale and/or irrelevant if you write the prose first (as Sewell suggests). So you either have to write the code first, or you have to iteratively design little-by-little as Sewell recommends.

The goal in writing is to write for the reader. This is hard even under the best circumstances. Rewriting literate programs enjoys the worst aspects of both rewriting prose and rewriting code. We seldom see people blend prose with code because it’s hard to pull off successfully.

This is because you need to revise both the code and the prose simultaneously, which is difficult to juggle. Otherwise you end up with post hoc explanations (like Hanson and Fraser published) or unmotivated code with unseemly kludges.

What are you trying to do?

This is the question which you should really be asking yourself when considering literate programming as a solution, because it’s the question to be asked when looking at any proposed solution. What are you trying to accomplish?

Doubtless the answer is to write something worth reading, but are you really going to need it?

If you really think you need literate programming, then experiment with it. Write a “small vignette” with different styles. Implement a simple data structure (a weight-balanced tree?), try doing so in as many different styles as possible.

The difficulty is that you are writing for a reader, not for your own edification. What clearly communicates the concepts as well as the code? Could you reproduce your code in a different language after reading your literate program? If not, you probably have not succeeded in writing a literate program.

You’re going to fail, and that’s normal. You just need to exhaust the space of failure in new and different ways, until you’re doomed to succeed.

Even then, the techniques you’ve acquired may not generalize to other situations. Writing a literate program for an interpreter in C is quite different from, say, writing a literate program for an optimized implementation of BLAS [a standardized linear algebra library] in assembly code.

Remark. Writing assembly code used to be an art back in the 1950s. Good assembly code had a running commentary explaining the big picture of what was going on. You can see examples of this in Knuth’s Art of Computer Programming, when he uses MIXAL it is exemplary assembly code from the 1950s. This is completely different from writing good C or Java or Julia. So the choice of programming language greatly impacts what literate programming looks like when you weave it into TeX, that is, when you present it in human readable form. (End of Remark)

But this seems to be the real strategy behind learning how to write a literate program: figure out a small sample of the sort of program you’re going to implement, exhaustively try as many different ways to write a literate program for your small sample problem, and keep failing as differently as possible each time.

Closing Remarks

Like any tool, there is a time and place for using literate programming. Unfortunately no one really knows when and where this would be useful.

For myself, my interest has stemmed from trying to write a literate program for expository purposes, for preserving knowledge which is on the verge of being lost. This began before Kevin Buzzard starting hawking Lean like a used car salesman, before this cargo-cult thinking seeped into the mathematical community, before being incorrigible and loudly-and-proudly-ignorant became admirable instead of despicable. Now it seems pointless to write such a book, since Buzzard’s disciples would eagerly toss it into the bonfire — Lean is the alpha and omega for them, all else is heresy which must be expunged from memory and record. (This is no exaggeration, Buzzard’s acolytes vociferously attacked a senior Lean developer for explaining that the dependent type theory underlying Lean is not Turing complete by itself, a result as shocking as “water is wet”.)

But now I have a lot of knowledge I feel compelled to share, and no identifiable outlet for sharing it. This is probably why I’m writing this post, literate programming was part of the manuscript idea, and I learned a lot about it (as well as other people’s hot takes). Perhaps it’s a good idea, or the germ of one which just requires more experimentation. Someone may wish to learn more about it, and it’d be a shame to hide what I’ve learned.

W. Somerset Maugham once allegedly quipped, “There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” The same could be said for literate programming. The successful examples of literate programming all followed contradictory rules (e.g., “write the code first”, “write the code last”) and even following the same dictums lead to drastically different outcomes (compare Hanson & Fraser with Nystrom).

Perhaps there is no royal road to literate programming, you just need to be honest enough to identify when your writing fails, and the courage to start over with a clean rewrite.