Make a Lisp (Reader)

by Alex Nelson, 4 December 2022

I’ve been tinkering with making a lisp. Although we can use a regex to tokenize the input stream, we would lose information (like line number) which helps inform the user they have a bug in their code. My first reaction was to write a Scanner to tokenize the input stream, then a parser to form the Lisp data.

In fact, I did this. Although I tested every flow possible for the Scanner and Parser, it was an inelegant solution — a “kludge”.

I remember Common Lisp supported some exotic gadget called a “Reader Macro”. Perhaps they could help in this situation?

The Naive Read Table

Algorithm 1: “Naive” Read Using a Read Table. The naive read table (“draft negative one”, if you will) consists of a simple workflow, given an input stream:

  1. Read a character from the input stream.
  2. Is it an EOF character? If so, throw an error. Otherwise continue to the next step.
  3. Is it whitespace? If so, go back to step one. Otherwise go to next step.
  4. Start accumulating the characters to form a token (which will be discussed in a separate algorithm, for clarity), then interpret it as Lisp data. Return this data as the result.

(End of Algorithm 1)

Observe the first three steps amount to “skip whitespace until the stream is exhausted or we have our first non-whitespace character”.

We can sketch this algorithm out using a flowchart:

Flowchart describing naive Lisp reader algorithm

Algorithm 2: Accumulate yourself a token. We will continue reading one character at a time from our input stream, until we encounter a whitespace character or we have exhausted the input stream. At that point, we will take our “token in progress” and return it to the user. (End of Algorithm 2)

But this isn’t terribly exciting, it’s a simple lexer. The pidgin code for such a thing would look like:

public class NaiveReadTable {
    public NaiveReadTable(source) {
        // create a pushback reader with an 8-byte buffer
        this.source = new PushbackReader(source, 8);
        this.finished = false;

    public boolean isFinished() {
        if (!finished && this.source.hasMore()) {
             this.finished = true;
        return this.finished;

    void unread(char c) {
        /* push c back into the top of the stream */

    public Object read() {
        while (true) {
            if (this.isFinished()) return null;

            char next = nextChar();
            if (Character.isWhitespace(next)) {
            } else {
                return buildToken();

    Object buildToken() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        while (!this.isFinished()) {
            if (Character.isWhitespace(peek())) {
        return buf.toString();

Of course, Java being Java, the actual code requires a few more details, but this is the essential idea of the naive reader algorithm.

Reader Macros

The trick is to introduce a new data structure, a ReaderMacro. If we were using Java 17, it would be a functional interface of the form:


interface ReaderMacro {
    public Object apply(Reader stream, ReadTable table);

What good is this? Well, we modify Algorithm 1 to now invoke reader macros as we encounter characters to which they are bound. We unfortunately have some freedom here with where we place this step. Common Lisp appears to roughly place it after skipping whitespace, something like the following flow chart:

Flowchart describing Common Lisp's reader algorithm

The disadvantage of this approach is that, well, consider the following scenario: we want to keep track of the line number. Using this approach, we have to hardcode it into the reader algorithm.

However, if we check for reader macros before checking for whitespace, then we could create a macro bound to \n which will increment the line counter for us.

That is to say, we will need to use the algorithm summed up in the following flow chart:

Flowchart describing our Lisp Reader's read algorithm

In either case, the reader class is modified to schematically look like:

public class ReadTable {
    public ReadTable(source) {
        this.source = new PushbackReader(source, 8);
        this.finished = false;
        // New!!!
        this.macroBindings = new Map<char, ReaderMacro>();

    public void addMacro(char symbol, ReaderMacro macro) {
        this.macroBindings.put(symbol, macro);

    public boolean isFinished() { /* same as before... */ }

    void unread(char c) { /* same as before... */ }

    public Object read() {
        while (true) {
            if (this.isFinished()) return null;

            char next = this.source.nextChar();

            if (this.macroBindings.containsKey(next)) {
                ReaderMacro macro = this.macroBindings.get(next);
                return macro.apply(this.source, this);
            } else if (Character.isWhitespace(next)) {
            } else {
                return buildToken();

    Object buildToken() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        while (!this.isFinished()) {
            char currentChar = nextChar();
            if (this.macroBindings.containsKey(currentChar)
                    || Character.isWhitespace(currentChar)) {
                // Now the top of the stream is the char bound to a
                // ReaderMacro, which will be invoked next time the
                // `ReadTable::read()` method is invoked
        return buf.toString();

The ReaderMacro will be supplied with its necessary input reader and Lisp reader upon invocation, so there’s no need for complicated factory builders (or whatever design pattern could fit the bill).

Let us write unit tests to make sure this works as expected. We have a simple LineNumberCounter reader macro, and then test it out:

    /* */
    public void newlineMacroReaderTest() {
        ReadTable r = new ReadTable("    \t\n    \n\n\t\n\n  d");
        LineNumberCounter counter = new LineNumberCounter();
        r.addMacro('\n', counter);;
        int expected = 6;
        assertEquals(expected, counter.getLine());

And the exciting results:

[INFO] Results:
[ERROR] Failures:
[ERROR]   ReadTableTest.newlineMacroReaderTest:74 expected: <6> but was: <2>

Err, wait, what happened? Well, in the ReadTable::read() method, we always returned the result of the ReaderMacro, regardless of what it might be (more specifically, we returned null when we should have kept reading!). Let us remedy this:

    public Object read() {
        while (true) {
            if (this.isFinished()) return null;

            char next = this.source.nextChar();

            if (this.macroBindings.contains(next)) {
                ReaderMacro macro = this.macroBindings.get(next);
                /* BUGFIX */
                Object result = macro.apply(this.source, this);
                if (null != result) return result;
            /* the rest as before */

And it works as expected. Great!

The Power of Reader Macros

We have seen one example where Reader Macros are useful. (In fact, we could have had the LineNumberCounter class register IntConsumer callbacks, which are invoked when the line number increments, for example.)

What good is this besides an exercise in abstraction?

Well, we can assemble lists using reader macros alone. We have one macro bound to ) to recognize it as a single-character token. Additionally, we have an AccumulatorReaderMacro which builds a list of read values until a specific token is encountered, then the AccumulatorReaderMacro returns the list of values.

In pidgin Java, the code looks like

class AccumulatorReaderMacro implements ReaderMacro {
    private final String stopToken;

    public AccumulatorReaderMacro(final String delimiter) {
        this.stopToken = delimiter;

    public Object apply(Reader stream, AbstractReadTable table) {
        if (table.isFinished()) return null;

        ArrayList<Object> coll = new ArrayList<>();

        while (!table.isFinished()) {
            final Object entry =;

            if (this.stopToken.equals(entry)) {


        return coll;

Realistically, I believe we should throw an IOException if the underlying stream has ended before we found the stopToken.

Now we can turn any ReadTable instance into a fairly decent Lisp reader by binding '(' to a new AccumulatorReaderMacro(")"), and binding the ')' to a single character tokenizing reader macro. Is it really that simple?

Why ask when we can unit test!

    public void nestedNestedListTest() {
        String test = "(foo (eggs (scrambed (stuff) suggests) but) and spam)";
        ReadTable r = new ReadTable(test);
        r.addMacro(')', new SingleCharReaderMacro(")"));
        r.addMacro('(', new AccumulatorReaderMacro(")"));

        ArrayList<Object> tmp = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<Object> inner = new ArrayList<>();
        inner = tmp;
        tmp = new ArrayList<>();

        ArrayList<Object> expected = new ArrayList<>();


The test succeeds with flying colors.

Want to implement a hashmap delimited by braces (like Clojure)? You can do it with reader macros!

Exercise 1: Sketch out the code for a ReaderMacroTransformer which will take a ReaderMacro, then transform the output somehow. Arguably, we could imagine this summed up in a method ReaderMacro ReaderMacroTransformerFactory(Function<Object,Object> transformOutput, ReaderMacro), which will compose the functions together producing a ReaderMacro instance. What properties would we like these ReaderMacroTransformer gadgets to satisfy?

Dually, could we “precompose” by a function? That is, could we “transform” the (Reader r, ReadTable t) into another pair (Reader r', ReadTable r') before it is applied to the ReaderMacro? When would this be useful? (End of Exercise 1)

Exercise 1, Part (ii): Write a ReaderMacroTransformer which will take an AccumulatorReaderMacro and form a HashMap from the list, interpreting the list as a sequence of key-value pairs. (End of Exercise 1.ii)

Exercise 2: Prove or find a counter-example, ReaderMacros form a functor. Does it form a monad? (End of Exercise 2)

Exercise 3: How can we modify the design of the SingleCharReaderMacro class to guarantee it is bound in the Lisp Reader to the supplied character? (End of Exercise 3)

Exercise 4: If the AccumulatorReaderMacro finds the Lisp Reader is finished before the closing delimiter is found, then it will return the collection of values being accumulated. Is this a good design choice or not? If not, what should we do instead? If it is good design, then how do we indicate a list is runaway [i.e., not closed with a matching parentheses]? (End of Exercise 4)

Exercise 5: Change the code to use the LineNumberCounter with the AccumulatorReaderMacro to track the starting line of the accumulated values, for runaway lists (or maps or vectors or whatever). (End of Exercise 5)


We have sketched out how to implement a Lisp Reader using reader macros. Of course, Lisp is a self-cannabilizing language: it will become increasingly tempting to use the metalanguage [i.e., Java code] for a Lisp anonymous function as the Reader Macro. This is a natural “next step”, but there is also power in preventing the user of the Lisp interpreter from writing their own Reader Macros.

Also, we only examined the interesting moving parts of the Lisp Reader. If we wanted to use this in an actual Lisp interpreter, we would need to change the read() function to also encode the result as a Lisp value. Right now, we’re just returning the lexeme (“string fragment”).

All the code is available on github.
