How much does an array access cost?

by Alex Nelson, 23 August 2021

Puzzle: How many CPU cycles are needed to access an array element? For simplicity, suppose it’s a one-dimensional array, and we’re accessing a valid element within the bounds of the array. (End of Puzzle)

I’m going to walk through the derivation.

What CPUs to Benchmark?

We will focus on CPUs still used today, but not any historic curios. Broadly, the architectures examined are:

  1. OpenPOWER (POWER 9)
  2. x86-64
  3. Sparc64
  4. ARM

Caveat: Other Timing Considerations

I’m only looking at the CPU cycles spent for access an array element. In practice, the CPU caches chunks of RAM, and performance depends on whether we’re accessing a cached chunk or an uncached address.

How to Benchmark?

I’m going to compile a simple C function:

double access(double array[], int n) {
    double result;
    result = array[n];
    return result;

This will be compiled to assembly code for the targetted CPU, and we’ll add up the latencies for each instruction. This gives us the total number of CPU cycles for accessing the array.

CPU Cycle Cost

ARM Cortex-A72

For ARM, I decided to use the CPU which Raspberry Pi 4 has: Cortex-A72. (Note to future, forgetful, me: This is ARMv8-A architecture.) The assembly code using “hard floats”:

@ access.c:10:     result = array[n];
	.loc 1 10 19
	ldr	r3, [r7]	@ n.0_1, n
	lsl	r3, r3, #3	@ _2, n.0_1,
	ldr	r2, [r7, #4]	@ tmp115, array
	add	r3, r3, r2	@ _3, tmp115
@ access.c:10:     result = array[n];
	.loc 1 10 12
	ldrd	r2, [r3]	@ tmp116, *_3
	strd	r2, [r7, #8]	@ tmp116,,

I’m using arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0 to compile to assembly. The compiler flags arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -O0 -mcpu=cortex-a72 -S -c -g -fverbose-asm -mfloat-abi=hard access.c -o access-arm.s.

The CPU cycles for the instructions (according to the software optimization documentation):

Altogether, an array access costs 4+(1–2)+5+1+4 = 15–16 cycles. Floating-point addition (vadd) costs 4 cycles, so an array access on ARM costs 4 addition operations.


The POWER 9 assembly code:

 # access.c:10:     result = array[n];
	.loc 1 10 19
	lwa 9,136(31)	 # n, _1
	sldi 9,9,3	 #, _2, _1
	ld 10,128(31)	 # array, tmp128
	add 9,10,9	 # _3, tmp128, _2
 # access.c:10:     result = array[n];
	.loc 1 10 12
	lfd 0,0(9)	 # *_3, tmp129
	stfd 0,56(31)	 # result, tmp129

This is from powerpc64-linux-gnu-gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0. The exact command was powerpc64-linux-gnu-gcc -O0 -mcpu=power9 -S -c -g -fverbose-asm access.c -o access-power9.s

Appendix A of the POWER9 Processor’s User Manual gives us the following latencies:

Hence an array access costs 14-16 cycles, which is approximately the cost of a floating-point addition operation.

Sparc64 M8

The latest Sparc64 CPU is the M8. GCC compiles this to:

! access.c:10:     result = array[n];
	.loc 1 10 19
	ld	[%fp+2183], %g1	! n, tmp116
	sra	%g1, 0, %g1	! tmp116, _1
	sllx	%g1, 3, %g1	! _1,, _2
	ldx	[%fp+2175], %g2	! array, tmp117
	add	%g2, %g1, %g1	! tmp117, _2, _3
! access.c:10:     result = array[n];
	.loc 1 10 12
	ldd	[%g1], %f8	! *_3, tmp118
	std	%f8, [%fp+2039]	! tmp118, result

I’m using sparc64-linux-gnu-gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0 for my compiler. The compiler flags used were sparc64-linux-gnu-gcc -O0 -mcpu=m8 -S -c -g -fverbose-asm access.c -o access-sparc64.s.

The instruction latencies aren’t available for M8, but for M7, appendix A gives us:

Altogether, we get 6 cycles for array access, compared to 11 cycles for floating-point addition. So an array access on Sparc64 M8 costs about half a floating-point addition.


For my own computer, which has an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4440S CPU @ 2.80GHz, the assembly code produced (with intel assembly syntax):

# access.c:10:     result = array[n];
	.loc 1 10 19
	mov	eax, DWORD PTR -28[rbp]	# tmp87, n
	lea	rdx, 0[0+rax*8]	# _2,
	mov	rax, QWORD PTR -24[rbp]	# tmp88, array
	add	rax, rdx	# _3, _2
# access.c:10:     result = array[n];
	.loc 1 10 12
	vmovsd	xmm0, QWORD PTR [rax]	# tmp89, *_3
	vmovsd	QWORD PTR -8[rbp], xmm0	# result, tmp89

Using GCC version gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0, with compiler flags gcc -O0 -march=native -masm=intel -S -c -g -fverbose-asm access.c -o access-x86.s.

Consulting Agner’s instruction tables, for Haswell architecture:

Floating-point addition fadd costs 3 cycles. Altogether, an array access costs 2+1+3+2+1+3 = 12 cycles, or the equivalent of 4 floating-point addition operations.


How much does an array access cost on each of these architectures compared to adding together two double-precision numbers?

What heuristic should be used? Well, the honest answer: it depends on your computer.

But if you want a number, take the geometric mean of these numbers since they vary over different orders of magnitude. We’d find 1 array access is approximately the cost of pow(2,3/4) (or about 1.68179) floating-point addition operations.

Caveats and Short-Comings

Oversight 0: No optimizations

I have not enabled any optimizations to the compiler. The results are drastically different when optimized, for example, using the -O3 flag:

The proportions between the architectures doesn’t change (ARM and x86-64 costs about an order-of-magnitude more CPU cycles than POWER and SPARC).

Oversight 1: Only one compiler used

I’ve used only a single compiler. I’m not sure Intel’s C Compiler would produce the same results as GCC’s compiler, or if Clang would do something different.

Oversight 2: Caching and RAM Access Time

The first major caveat is that CPU caching has not been considered, nor has RAM access time. But really, we just assumed the block containing the array element has already been cached. If this is not the case, then we’d have to add the time it’d take for the CPU to cache the block of RAM containing the array element.

The latency numbers for memory lookup depends on the CPU, but an heuristic:

If these seem suspiciously nice numbers, that’s because they are: they’re order-of-magnitude estimates. I’m unaware of any suitably general model of paging and caching which works for the all of the CPUs surveyed. Now that I think of it, the only models of such things occur in toy models of assembly languages, and are generally ignored in higher-level algorithms texts.

Further, if memory loads were a concern, then it’s unique to each problem: there’s no silver bullet here. If I’m working on a matrix multiplication algorithm, then the memory loading optimizations I’d use probably won’t carry over to finite-volume methods.


Memory load operations (usually in the form of array accesses) ought to be tracked when evaluating a numerical algorithm, but their cost depends on the computer architecture and with an eye towards cache costs (at least, if caching could be an issue).

The current fashion is to suppose there are two levels of memory (fast and slow). If f is the number of floating-point operations (say, the number of equivalent floating-point addition operations), and m is the number of memory elements moved from slow to fast memory, then use the “Computational Intensity” ratio q = f/m to compare numerical algorithms (c.f., UCSB CS267, UCSB CS140, Colare, Demmel, Dongarra ). For q, larger is better.

Remark. I know, f is supposed to be FLOPS, but if you convert the arithmetic operations into equivalent addition operations, then the two differ by a constant. The resulting ratio would be off by a factor, which is irrelevant when comparing ratios. (End of remark)

There are various ways to gain insight juggling FLOPs against memory accesses, usually by using the roofline model. At this point, however, it seems that optimizing further is computer-specific, and usually requires specialized tools.

Appendix: Motivation

I’m collating my notes on numerical analysis, and I was always taught to study the performance of a numerical algorithm by counting the number of floating-point addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. Modern CPUs have approximately the same number of cycles spent for addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations…but nearly 10 times more cycles on division operations. This conversion factor gives us a “common denominator” for comparing performance.

But classic texts on numerical linear algebra noted we should account for memory load operations (which could slow down a linear algebra algorithm). While I can count the number of memory load operations, this got me thinking: how many cycles are spent on a memory load operation compared to floating-point addition?