Pattern Matching in Lisp

by Alex Nelson, 21 December 2020

Patterns and Rules

Pattern matching is done by using “Rules”. A “rule” consists of three elements:

  1. A “pattern” to match against.
  2. Some optional extra conditions.
  3. A “skeleton” which tells a rewrite-system what to do with the matches.

The pattern specifies the class of expressions it matches. Patterns contain constants and pattern variable which indicate arbitrary elements or segments (sequences of elements). A pattern variable matching a single element is prefixed by a single question mark, and segment variables matching multiple elements are prefixed by two question marks: (? pattern) and (?? segment).

We can further refine our pattern matching using predicates. For example, if we want to match a single element which is a pattern, we would write (? n numberp) (or, in Scheme, something like (? n number?)).

We say a rule is “Applicable” to an expression if the rule’s pattern matches the provided expression.

Once a rule is applicable, we instantiate the skeleton to create an expression with the matched subexpressions.


Sussman and Harold report roughly 30 rules suffice for an algebraic simplifier. An example rule might be:

( (* (?? x) (? z zerop) (?? y)) ; pattern
  nil                           ; extra conditions
  0)                            ; skeleton

It tells us, whenever we multiply something by zero, we replace it by zero. We can encode the law of logarithms as:

( (log (* (? x) (? y) (?? zs)))            ; pattern
  nil                                      ; extra conditions
  (+ (log (? x)) (log (* (? y) (?? zs))))) ; skeleton

Replacing squares of cosines by squares of sines are handled by the rule:

( (expt (cos (? x)) (? n at-least-two?)) ; pattern
  nil                                    ; extra conditions
  (* (expt (cos (? x)) (? (- n 2)))      ; skeleton
     (- 1 (expt (sin (? x)) 2))) )

An example using extra conditions requires non-negative factors in squareroots to factor them out:

( (sqrt (* (? x) (? y) (?? ys)))              ; pattern
  (and sqrt-factor-simplify?                  ; extra conditions
       (non-negative-factors x y 'free-var))
  (* (sqrt (? x)) (sqrt (* (? y) (?? ys)))) ) ; skeleton

If either (? x) or (? y) match a negative factor, it’s caught in the (non-negative-factors x y 'free-var) subexpression (and then bound to 'free-var). This pattern will fail to match if we have “turned off” sqrt-factor-simplify?, or if either (? x) or (? y) are negative factors.

Basic Implementation

The idea is for a match function to accept a pattern and an expression, then produce either a dictionary of bindings (to encode what pattern & segment variables match which subexpressions) or the :fail symbol, upon success or failure (respectively).

Assuming success, we have a substitute-in function to take a rule skeleton and a dictionary of bindings, then use the skeleton as a blueprint for a new expression (replacing the pattern variables with their bound values).

Sounds good? Great, let’s dissect these functions at bit further.

Matching Patterns Against an Expression

There are several cases we need to consider:

  1. If we have failed, we should set the dictionary to :fail, and bail out.
  2. If the pattern is a pattern variable, then we should check the expression matches the pattern variable (relative to whether we’ve already bound the variable in our dictionary). This is handled by a match-element helper function.
  3. If the pattern is just some constant, then…well, we’re nearly done! So check the expression is the same constant. If so, return the dictionary; otherwise, we’ve failed, and return :fail instead of a dictionary.
  4. If the pattern is a segment variable, we delegate the messy work to a match-segment helper function.
  5. If the pattern is a list — some complicated S-expression — which is our default case, we form new-bindings trying to match the head of the pattern with the head of the expression. Unless new-bindings is a :fail-ure, we recursively match on the rest of the pattern against the rest of the expression.

This is the simplest, straightforward implementation of the intuition underlying pattern matching as we’ve described it.

The most complicated routine among these are the match-segment helper function. This boils down to checking if the segment variable has already been bound in our attempt; if so, we check the previous binding to the current subexpression. If the current situation fits the previous binding, then we recursively call match on the rest of the pattern and remaining part of the expression with the same dictionary.

If the segment variable is “fresh” (not written down in our dictionary), then we need to search for new bindings. This amounts to looping through prefix subexpressions, iteratively trying to match this leading subexpression to the segment variable, then testing if we can successfully move on with the rest of the pattern. This is a depth-first search, which successively backtracks to expand the segment-variable’s match. Upon the first success with matching the smallest prefix to the segment variable and the rest of the pattern to the remaining part of the expression, we return these bindings. And if we’ve exhausted all possibilities, we return :fail. (This messy iterative “check each prefix until success or death” is handled by try-segment-bindings.)

Everything else is fairly straightforward, and when the dust settles the match routine gives us bindings or bitter :fail. What do we do with the bindings?

Substitution, Hydrating the Rule Skeleton

We then take our bindings and substitute the values for the associated variables into the skeleton. This recursively is handled:

  1. If the skeleton is nil, return nil.
  2. If the skeleton is a pattern variable (? x), return the associated value bound to it in our dictionary.
  3. If the skeleton is a list, well, we have several subcases:
    • If the skeleton looks like ((?? x) . e2) a segment variable followed by some prefix, then we concatenate (a) the value associated to it with (b) the substitution of the rest of the skeleton e2 with the dictionary bindings (Recursion!).
    • Special macros can be handled here (for example (:EVAL (stuff)) or ((:SPLICE (stuff)) remainder)).
    • Otherwise the skeleton looks like (e1 . e2), so we just create a list formed by cons’ing (a) the substitution of e1 with the bindings from the dictionary to (b) the substitution of e2 with the bindings. (Recursion!)
  4. In all other cases, we just return the skeleton itself.

In other words, this is a straightforward implementation of a substitution algorithm. There is some room for novelty, as noted by using “special macros” like :SPLICE or :EVAL (the latter particularly handy with a simplifier for symbolic algebra).

Full Implementation, Parting Words

There are a few full implementations, probably the most complete may be found in SCMUTILS. I’ve implemented one for my problem solving environment (with some algebraic simplification rules).

The only caveats worth mentioning are, well, we’ve been assuming that we’ve been working with S-expressions. What happens if we have used CLOS or structures for subexpressions? We can’t iterate through the constituents of a CLOS object with car and cdr anymore. This requires either rewriting the code, or using some multimethod instead of car and cdr. (We must have some convention about the ordering of constructor arguments and order of presentation of constituents, for this scheme to work.)
