\( \newcommand\D{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand\E{\mathrm{e}} \newcommand\I{\mathrm{i}} \newcommand\bigOh{\mathcal{O}} \newcommand{\cat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand\curl{\vec{\nabla}\times} \newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \)

Reading List - Physics

Currently Reading

  • Landau and Lifshitz Fluid Mechanics.

It's not for the feint of heart, but I really enjoy it.

Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

  • [ ] Landau and Lifshitz Statistical Physics
  • [ ] Walter Greiner, Ludwig Neise, Horst Stocker, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. Springer, 1995.

Fluid Mechanics

  • [ ] Landau and Lifshitz Fluid Mechanics
  • [X] J.E. Marsden and Alexandre Chorin, A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. Third ed., Springer, 1993.
  • [ ] V. Arnol'd Topological Methods in Hydrodynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics

  • [ ] Jiyuan Tu, Guan-Heng Yeoh, Chaqun Liu, Computational Fluid Dynamics. CUP, third edition. A really great introduction to CFD as a 6-step process.
    • Zan Xu, LĂ©opold Cambier, Juan J. Alonso, Eric Darve, "Towards a Scalable Hierarchical High-order CFD Solver". arXiv:2101.01763, 14 pages.
  • [ ] Roger Temam, Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Numerical Analysis. AMS Chelsea Publishing, 1977. Focuses on steady-state solutions.

Navier-Stokes Equations

  • [ ] G.P. Galdi, An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the Navier-Stokes Equations: Steady-State Problems. Springer, second ed., 2011. This is probably the most authoritative reference for the special case of steady-flow solutions.
  • [ ] Roger Taman, Navier-Stokes equations: theory and numerical analysis. North-Holland press, 1979.

Climate Related Books

  • [ ] John Marshall and R. Alan Plumb, Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics: an Introductory Text.
  • [ ] Kendal McGuffie, Ann Henderson-Sellers, A Climate Modelling Primer
  • [ ] J. David Neelin, Climate Change and Climate Modeling. CUP, 2011. Discusses El Nino.
  • [ ] Luc Tartar, An Introduction to Navier Stokes Equation and Oceanography. Springer 2006
  • [ ] Geoffrey K. Vallis, Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics_ Fundamentals and Large-Scale Circulation. Cambridge University Press, 2017. (The first two parts [13 chapters] are about fluid dynamics, the remaining two parts [9 chapters] are about the climate.)
    • If I were to write a book on climate science, it would probably resemble this gem.
  • [ ] Thomas Tomkins Warner, Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction. CUP, 2010.

Last Updated 2021-06-01 Tue 10:00.