Proof by Minimal Counter-Example in Mizar
Table of Contents
In finite group theory, we often use a technique called "proof by minimal counter-example". Often we just say, "Suppose \(G\) is a minimal counter-example to the claim", then get to work. We could formalize this in Mizar using the following sketch:
for G being finite Group holds P[G] proof set A = { n where n is Element of NAT : ex G being finite Group st n = card G & not P[G] }; A is non empty implies contradiction proof assume A1: A be non empty; defpred P1[Nat] means ex x being object st x in A & x = $1; A2: ex k being Nat st P1[k] by A1, XBOOLE_0:def 1; consider n being Nat such that A3: P1[n] & for k being Nat st P1[k] holds n <= k from NAT_1:sch 5(A2); consider G being finite Group such that A4: n = card G & not P[G] by A3; ex H being finite Group st card H < n & not P[H] proof :: ... end; hence contradiction by A4; end; end;
The "minimality" condition is enforced by NAT_1:sch 5
1. Using Kuratowski–Zorn Lemma
One could alternatively create a Poset
of finite groups using
is Subgroup of
as the ordering relation. Then minimality would be
enforced using the Kuratowski–Zorn lemma. This requires proving, for
any chain of subgroups, there is a minimal element…which is true, it's
the trivial group.
Then proof-by-minimal counterexample would consider the subset of the
poset FiniteGroups
which consists of groups which do not satisfy the
predicate. We'd need to rely on the fact that subsets of chains are
chains (ORDERS_2:10
). I think we'd need to prove that a Subset of a
Poset forms another Poset.
for A being non empty Poset for B being non empty Subset of A holds RelStr(# B, (the InternalRel of A) /\ [: B, B :] #) is Poset; definition func FiniteGroups -> RelStr means :Def: (for x being object holds x is strict finite Group iff x in the carrier of it) (for x,y being object st x is strict finite Group & y is strict finite Group holds [x,y] in (the InternalRel of it) iff x is Subgroup of y); existence; uniqueness; end; :: reflexivity by GROUP_2:54 :: antisymmetric by GROUP_2:55 :: transitivity by GROUP_2:56 registration cluster FiniteGroups -> reflexive transitive antisymmetric; correctness; end; :: Thus FiniteGroups is a Poset
This might be "too strong" a condition, in the sense we may want the
relation to be: [x,y] in (the InternalRelation of it) iff ex z being Subgroup of y st x,z are_isomorphic
This weaker version would allow \(G\leq G\times H\), for example.
scheme MinCounterEx { P[finite Group] } : for G being finite Group holds P[G] provided A1: (ex G being finite Group st (for H being finite Group st not P[H] holds not (H is Subgroup of G)) & not P[G]) implies contradiction proof end;