\( \newcommand\D{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand\E{\mathrm{e}} \newcommand\I{\mathrm{i}} \newcommand\bigOh{\mathcal{O}} \newcommand{\cat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand\curl{\vec{\nabla}\times} \newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \)

Group Theory in Mizar

Table of Contents

1. Overview

This is just a "map" or "analytical table of contents", of where things are defined in the "group theory wing" of the Mizar library.

Most of the useful articles seem to be GROUP_1 through GROUP_10, and then it splinters into specialist subjects.

2. Group Theory

  • Nilpotent groups are discussed in grnilp_1.miz
    • the_normal_subgroups_of G is defined in GRNILP_1:Def1 as we would expect it
    • The upper central series is implicit in the definition of nilpotent in Def2
  • Solvable groups discussed in grsolv_1.miz
    • solvable as an attribute is defined as having a subnormal series such that F.i ./. F.(i+1) is Abelian
  • Some Properties of $p$-Groups and Commutative $p$-Groups groupp_1.miz
  • Cayley's theorem proven in cayley.miz
    • Symmetric group on a set \(X\) is defined on line 145 of cayley.miz
  • Product groups are defined in group_7, but it's difficult to work with
    • Normal subgroups of product groups discussed further in group_12
  • A lot of properties proved in group_8.miz
  • Jordon-Holder theorem in group_9.miz
    • The composition_series is defined (GROUP_9:Def28) as an attribute for a finite sequence of stable subgroups of \(G\)
      • The CompositionSeries of G mode is defined as composition_series FinSequence of the_stable_subgroups_of G
    • More generally, I expect a subgroup series to be a sequence of subgroups; and if the series starts at \(G\), then I should use (Omega).G instead
      • sequence is defined as a mode in nat_1, for any set X we have mode sequence of X is Function of NAT,X

2.1. Definitions

  • Inverse operator is denoted by double quotes, so x" denotes \(x^{-1}\) as defined in group_1.miz line 210 (func h" -> Element of G means h * it = 1_G & it * h = 1_G;)
    • This is also extended to, for a group \(G\), subsets \(A\subset G\) we'd have A" be the collection of g" for g in A, i.e., \(A^{-1}=\{g^{-1}|g\in A\}\); see line 57 of group_2.miz

      let G be Group;
      let A be Subset of G;
      func A " -> Subset of G equals :: GROUP_2:def 1
      { (g ") where g is Element of G : g in A } ;
  • the mode definition Subgroup of G, line 853 of group_2.miz; for some reason, if \(H\lt G\), then carr(H) is defined as the subset of the underlying set of \(G\) equal to the set underlying \(H\)
  • The trivial subgroup of \(G\) is denoted (1).G, defined on line 1258 of group_2.miz as

      func (1).G -> strict Subgroup of G means
      the carrier of it = {1_G};
    • NOTE: the adjective "trivial" isn't actually defined until GROUP_6
    • "strict" is a weird meta-term (c.f., discussion),

      "strict" doesn't have its own definition as it is a special (in a way "meta" attribute) - it means that a term which has a structure type <Theta> has exactly the same selectors (fields) as introduced in the definition of the type <Theta>, so in your case only the selectors of a doubleLoopStr - any extension to that would break the "strictness". So you may think of a vector space as of a group, but it's not a "strict" group.

    • "strict" for subgroup is on line 1011 of group_2.miz; it's a registration of a cluster. I believe it refers to being a "just" subgroup — your intuition should be "a set [not a topological space, not a manifold, not an algebraic variety, not any other gadget] equipped with a group structure and nothing else".
    • (Omega).G (line of group_2.miz) seems to be the other trivial subgroup of \(G\), i.e., \(G\) itself
      • This seems to be following notation introduced in rlsub_1.miz, line 764; a comment before it notes this notation is used for improper subspaces
    • Left cosets are defined on line 2448 of group_2.miz (right cosets are defined on line 2468)
  • The index of a subgroup \(H\lt G\) is defined as the cardinality of left cosets of \(H\) on line 2789 of group_2.miz
  • The intersection of two subgroups \(H_{1}\cap H_{2}\) is defined as H1 /\ H2 in group_2.miz
    • The join of two subgroups \(H_{1}\vee H_{2}\) is defined as H1 "\/" H2 in group_4.miz and this corresponds to \(\langle H_{1}, H_{2}\rangle\) (the subgroup generated by the elements of \(H_{1}\) and \(H_{2}\))
    • For normal subgroups \(N_{1}\), \(N_{2}\) of \(G\), their product \(N_{1}N_{2}\) is precisely \(N_{1}\vee N_{2}\), as proven in group_4:Th53
    • The lattice G of subgroups of \(G\) is defined in group_4.miz
    • More results concerning the lattice of subgroups may be found in latsubgr.miz, for example, the meet of a [nonempty] set of subgroups is defined in latsubgr.miz
  • Conjugation of \(a\) by \(b\) (both elements of \(G\)) is denoted a |^ b, defined on lines 299–300 of group_3.miz
    • This is extended to subsets \(A\) and \(B\) of \(G\), A |^ B is the collection of conjugating elements of \(A\) by elements of \(B\) func A |^ B -> Subset of G equals {g |^ h : g in A & h in B};
    • We also have g |^ A and A |^ g for conjugating an element by members of a subset, and conjugating a subset by an element
  • Conjugate subgroup to \(H\lt G\) is defined lines 897 et seq of group_3.miz as H |^ a (conjugate subgroup of a finite group is itself finite, as registration on line 1068 notes)
  • a,b are_conjugated defined on line 1270 of group_3.miz if there is a \(g\in G\) such that a = b |^ g (and two subsets are conjugated, defined on line 1523; for two subgroups on line 1738)
  • Conjugacy class of \(a\in G\) is defined as the subset of \(G\) given by a |^ carr (Omega).G around line 1367 of group_3.miz (and the conjugacy class of a subset of \(G\) is defined around line 1615; the conjugacy class for a subgroup defined on line 1810)
  • A normal subgroup is defined on line 1956 of group_3.miz as for a holds IT |^ a = the multMagma of IT and then it is registered as strict normal
  • The normalizer for a subset \(A\subset G\) is defined on line 2419 of group_3.miz as func Normalizer A -> strict Subgroup of G means :Def14: the carrier of it = {h : A |^ h = A}; (normalizer of a subgroup is defined on line 2638)
  • If \(A\) is a subset of a group \(G\), the gr A seems to be the smallest subgroup containing \(A\); this is defined in group_4.miz
    • This corresponds to the subgroup generated by \(A\subset G\), which we usually write as \(\langle A\rangle\)
  • Frattini subgroup is tricky. Relevant code starts around 1371 of group_4.miz

    ::$N Frattini subgroup
      func Phi(G) -> strict Subgroup of G means
      the carrier of it = meet{A
    where A is Subset of G : ex H being strict Subgroup of G st A = the carrier of
    H & H is maximal} if ex H being strict Subgroup of G st H is maximal otherwise
      it = the multMagma of G;
  • The notation \(H_{1}\wedge H_{2}\) for the smallest group containing both \(H_{1}\) and \(H_{2}\) (defined line 1877 group_4.miz) it is given the name SubJoin on line 2636; dually, the submeet is defined on line 2680
  • Lattice of subgroups defined line 2795 of group_4.miz
  • Commutator of group elements line 331 of group_5.miz; commutators(A,B) for subsets of \(G\) on line 964; commutators(H1,H2) of subgroups defined on line 1091; and commutators G is defined as the commutator of the underlying set of \(G\) with itself
  • A triple \([a,b,c]=[[a,b],c]\) line 662 of group_5.miz
  • the smallest group containing commutators(A,B) is defined as [.A,B.] on line 1262; and similarly for subgroups [.H1,H2.] defined on line 1297
  • the derived group is define on line 1578 of group_5.miz
  • the center of \(G\) is defined on line 1775 of group_5.miz as a strict subgroup of \(G\) consisting of {a : for b holds a * b = b * a};
    • The Centralizer of an element \(a\in G\) is defined line 739 of weddwit.miz
    • The center for a skew-field \(R\) is defined on line 1508 of weddwit.miz, and the centralizer for an element of \(R\) is defined on line 1978
  • The quotient group \(G/N\) is denoted as G./.N in Mizar, and it is defined on line 505 of group_6; the canonical mapping of \(N\to G/N\) is defined on line 1084 as the nat_hom
  • Group morphisms are defined in group_6 as multiplicative functions between two groups
  • Two groups \(G\) and \(H\) are_isomorphic if there exists a bijective group morphism between them ( group_6);
  • The kernel of a morphism of groups is defined in group_6;
  • The isomorphism theorems for groups is also defined in group_6;
    • There seems to be a small hack to describe the subgroup \(N\leq H\leq G\) corresponding to \(H/N\) as H./.(H,N)`*`
    • GROUP_6:Th29 says if M and N are normal subgroups of G such that M is a subgroup of N, then N./.(N,M)`*` is a normal Subgroup of G./.M
  • a group \(G\) is "simple" if IT is not trivial and there is no nontrivial normal subgroup \(H\triangleleft G\) (i.e., \(H\neq 1\) and \(H\neq G\)) line 998 of group_9.miz
    • Be careful! There is some confusing double-negation in the definition of simple, but it is logically equivalent to

        let IT be Group;
        attr IT is simple means :: GROUP_9:def 12
        (not IT is trivial &
        (for H being strict normal Subgroup of IT
         holds (H = (Omega).IT or H = (1).IT)));
  • The chunk of text dealing with composition series begins on line 6701 of group_9.miz (the composition_series is defined on line 6708)
  • The Jordan-Holder attribute for composition series of \(G\) (line 6821 of group_9.miz)
  • Equivalence of composition series is defined (line 6835 of group_9.miz)
  • Schreier refinement theorem begins (line 10378 of group_9.miz); the_schreier_series_of is defined 10383
  • p-subgroup defined on line 1786 of group_10.miz
  • is_Sylow_p-subgroup_of_prime defined line 2196 of group_10.miz
  • the_sylow_p-subgroups_of_prime(p,G) defined line 3109 of group_10.miz

2.2. Product Groups

  • Product groups are discussed in group_7, group_12, group_19, and briefly in a few other articles.
  • For sets, the Cartesian product of a family of sets is scattered in several articles.
    • The Cartesian product of a family of sets is defined in CARD_3:def 2
    • A family of sets indexed by \(I\) is called a ManySortedSet of I in Mizar, and defined in pboole.miz
  • The notion of a "family of groups" is defined using the following strategy in group_7:
    • A binary relation is defined as multMagma-yielding if every object in its range is a multMagma (GROUP_7:def 1)
    • A family of magmas indexed by \(I\) is defined as a multMagma-Family of I
    • We define a product of a family of magmas, which produces a [strict] magma.
    • We then define a number of attributes for a family of magmas: associative, commutative, Group-like; we cluster functorial registrations indicating the product of an associative family of magmas is an associative magma, etc.
    • This will give us, from the power of Mizar adjectives, the product of an associative group-like family of magmas is a group.
  • If \(\mathcal{F}\) is a family of groups indexed by \(I\), the isomorphism of \(\mathcal{F}_{i}\) with "its obvious subgroup" in \(\prod\mathcal{F}\) is defined in group_12 (the isomorphism is (1ProdHom (F, i)) and the subgroup is ProjGroup (F,i)).
  • In group_19, a family of groups indexed by \(I\) is defined as a group-like associative family of magmas.
  • The basic design here is
    • if \(\mathcal{F}\) is a family of groups indexed by \(I\), then \(\mathcal{F}_{i}\) is a group and the Mizar notation for this would be F.i
    • if \(g\in\prod\mathcal{F}\) is an element of the product group, then \(g_{i}\in\mathcal{F}_{i}\) is written in Mizar as g.i (so g is a function with dom g = I).

2.3. Specific Groups

  • The permutation group is defined in MATRIX_1 as Group_of_Perm n
    • The attribute even is defined there
    • This is the Symmetric group on \(n\) symbols — i.e., \(S_{n}\) = Group_of_Perm n
    • The symmetric group on an arbitrary set \(X\) is defined in CAYLEY as SymGroup X — i.e., \(\mathrm{Sym}(X)\) = SymGroup X
    • If you want to prove properties about permutation groups, you should work with Group_of_Perm n.
  • The group \(\mathbb{Z}\) is defined in GR_CY_1 as INT.Group
  • The finite cyclic group \(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}\) is defined as INT.Group(n) in GR_CY_1

2.4. Representation Theory

It seems that the notion of a group action and group representation are…well, kind of muddled in Mizar.

  • Action of O,E defines how a set O acts on E, it's an abbreviation for the type Function of O,(Funcs (E,E)).
    • For O being a group, this is really "almost" a representation. We'd need to prove it's a homomorphism, in the sense that for any g,h in O we would have a.(g*h) = (a.g) * (a.h).
    • This is not a group action, which would be a type Function of [:O,E:],E such that for any g,h being Element of O and for any e being Element of E we would have it.(g,it.(h,e))=it.(g*h,e) as desired.
    • This definition is from Bourbaki; see Algebra chapter I § 3.1, §5.1 et seq.
  • If we wanted to define a Representation of a group, probably we would need to:
    1. Define an adjective Representation-like on a Function of G,(Funcs (E,E)) as something like for g,h being Element of G holds IT.(g * h) = (IT.g) * (IT.h)
    2. Register Representation-like for Function of G,(Funcs (E,E))
    3. Define a type Representation of G means ex E st it is Representation-like for Function of G,(Funcs (E,E))
  • An alternative plan would be:
    1. Define a structure RepresentationStr consisting of a set E and a mapping Function of G,(Funcs (E,E))
    2. Define an adjective Representation-like for RepresentationStr which ensures the Function of G,(Funcs (E,E)) is multiplicative
    3. Define a mode Representation is Representation-like RepresentationStr.

Last Updated 2023-02-03 Fri 09:32.