Group Theory - HOL Light
Table of Contents
1. Implementation
I'm just tracing out the implementation details. We find:
let group_tybij = let eth = prove (`?s (z:A) n a. z IN s /\ (!x. x IN s ==> n x IN s) /\ (!x y. x IN s /\ y IN s ==> a x y IN s) /\ (!x y z. x IN s /\ y IN s /\ z IN s ==> a x (a y z) = a (a x y) z) /\ (!x. x IN s ==> a z x = x /\ a x z = x) /\ (!x. x IN s ==> a (n x) x = z /\ a x (n x) = z)`, MAP_EVERY EXISTS_TAC [`{ARB:A}`; `ARB:A`; `(\x. ARB):A->A`; `(\x y. ARB):A->A->A`] THEN REWRITE_TAC[IN_SING] THEN MESON_TAC[]) in new_type_definition "group" ("group","group_operations") (GEN_REWRITE_RULE DEPTH_CONV [EXISTS_UNPAIR_THM] eth);;
This defines "group"
and "group_operations"
Let us analyze what-in-Heaven's-name is going on here. The proposition, if translated into logic, states \(\exists s\exists z{:}A\exists n\exists a.(\dots)\) where \(s\) is the set underlying the group, \(z{:}A\) is the identity element, \(n\) is the group inverse operator, and \(a\) is the law of composition. The axioms they satisfy are:
- \(z\in s\) (the identity element belongs to the underlying set)
- \(\forall x, x\in s\implies n(x)\in s\) (every element \(x\in s\) belonging to the underlying set also has its inverse element \(n x\) be a member of \(s\))
- \(\forall x\forall y, x\in s\land y\in s\implies a(x,y)\in s\) (the law of composition maps any \(x,y\in s\) to an element \(a(x,y)\in s\))
- \(\forall x\forall y\forall z, x\in s\land y\in s\land z\in s\implies a(x, a(y,z)) = a(a(x,y),z)\) (associativity of the law of composition)
- \(\forall x, x\in s\implies [a(z,x)=x\land a(x,z)=x]\) (the left and right unit laws for the identity element)
- \(\forall x, x\in s\implies [a(n(x),x)=z\land a(x,n(x))=z]\) (the inverse element satisfies the obvious property)
Also, the IN
predicate is implemented as:
let IN = new_definition `!P:A->bool. !x. x IN P <=> P x`;;
That is to say, a set is just a predicate, so membership IN
a set
amounts to satisfying the underlying predicate.
1.1. Where is new_type_definition
In, we find the implementation of new_type_definition
let the_type_definitions = ref ([]:((string*string*string)*(thm*thm))list);; let new_type_definition tyname (absname,repname) th = try let th',tth' = assoc (tyname,absname,repname) (!the_type_definitions) in if concl th' <> concl th then failwith "" else (warn true "Benign redefinition of type"; tth') with Failure _ -> let th0 = CONV_RULE (RATOR_CONV (REWR_CONV EXISTS_THM) THENC BETA_CONV) th in let th1,th2 = new_basic_type_definition tyname (absname,repname) th0 in let tth = CONJ (GEN_ALL th1) (GEN_ALL (CONV_RULE(LAND_CONV (TRY_CONV BETA_CONV)) th2)) in the_type_definitions := ((tyname,absname,repname),(th,tth)):: (!the_type_definitions); tth;;
See also: Rob Arthan's On Definitions of Constants and Types in HOL.
2. References
- Library/ is where some group theory is done