\( \newcommand\D{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand\E{\mathrm{e}} \newcommand\I{\mathrm{i}} \newcommand\bigOh{\mathcal{O}} \newcommand{\cat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand\curl{\vec{\nabla}\times} \newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \)


Table of Contents

What happens we you combine Automath and LCF? You get Coq.

1. Basics

We have a hierarchy of universes Type n : Type (S n) for each natural number n = 0, 1, 2, ...; we also have a special Prop type for propositions.

Generic definitions look like:

Definition my_new_term : Type :=
  (* body *).

We can ask Coq to evaluate a term by writing Compute <term>. (including the period).

There are also theorems.

Theorem ex_arith_thm : forall (n : nat), n + 0 = n.
  (* ... *)

Synonyms for Theorem include: Lemma, Example. Remark, Fact, Corollary, Proposition, and Property.

Implicit arguments are in curly braces {X : T}, explicit arguments annotated with types are in parentheses (x : T), and explicit arguments with implicit types are just given x.

2. Booleans and Propositions

Coq distinguishes between propositions (mathematical statements) and booleans (data types which have two values).

3. Tactics

There is something on the order of 100 tactics in Coq, which makes it hard to remember.

  • intros names variables
  • generalize dependent x will move the variable x and anything else that depends on it from the context back to an explicit hypothesis in the goal
  • split turns a goal A /\ B into two goals, namely A and B
  • unfold will unfold a definition, which we will need to do when a definition involves a match ... with... expression.
  • reflexivity finishes the proof when the goal is of the form e = e.
  • apply label typically works by using a formula associated with the label (referring to a forall ..., P -> Q type formula) rewriting our goal Q' into the premise of the label's formula P'. Note that we can only apply exactly matching formulas.
    • If we want to apply a theorem or equation with some subexpression standing in for a variable, we can explicitly tell Coq to do this by apply label with (var := subexpression).
  • f_equal: Given a goal of the form f a1 ... an = g b1 ... bn, the tactic f_equal will produce subgoals of the form f = g, a1 = b1, …, an = bn.
    • f_equiv does likewise, but when an equivalence relation R relates the two terms
  • injection — if we have an equality of constructors Constructor t_1 ... t_n = Constructor u_1 ... u_n, we can use the fact that type constructors are injective to transform our goal into \(n\) equalities t_1 = u_1, …, t_n = u_n
  • discriminate uses the fact that constructors are disjoint, so we can never have a situation where H : Con1 ... = Con2 .... We use this fact on a hypothesis as discriminate H.
  • destruct is useful for case-base proofs.
  • induction is useful for, well, proofs by induction; unlike destruct, the induction tactic will introduce induction hypotheses
    • Gotchya: some times we want to leave a variable universally quantified when doing an induction proof; forgetting to do so will produce an impossible situation. See Foundations on this.
  • inversion — when proving an inductive Prop, we may want to analyze ("destructure") the evidence of the inductive hypothesis; inversion let's us do this. Hence inversion requires a label, referring to a proposition to invert.

4. References

See also base.v for Params.

4.1. Tutorials

Last Updated 2022-06-17 Fri 09:27.