\( \newcommand\D{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand\E{\mathrm{e}} \newcommand\I{\mathrm{i}} \newcommand\bigOh{\mathcal{O}} \newcommand{\cat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand\curl{\vec{\nabla}\times} \newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \)

SECD Machine

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Landin introduced the SECD machine back in 1964, Plotkin used it in the mid 1970s, and Henderson employed it in his book on Lispkit in 1980.

We will discuss the description of the theoretical architecture of the SECD machine (namely, its registers, its instruction set, and how each operation transforms the SECD machine state). Once we have finished this, we will consider a compiler from Lisp to SECD instructions.

Why Lisp? Well, we don't need to consider a parser or grammar for a simple input language. It's nothing more than wishing to avoid difficulties.

2. Basic Data Structures

The five key data structures SECD machines will build, manipulate, and keep in memory:

  1. Arbitrary S-expressions for computed data
  2. Lists representing programs to be executed
  3. Stacks used by the program's instructions
  4. "Value lists" containing the arguments for uncompleted function applications
  5. Closures to represent unprocessed function applications

3. Machine Description

Like any abstract machine, we have some instruction set which manipulates stacks or registers.

3.1. The four "registers"

There are four "registers" (stacks):

s stack
holds intermediate results, it's a list of expressions
e environment
holds values bound to variables
c control
contains the code being executed
d dump
stores the contents of the other registers temporarily when a function-call occurs (and restores them upon return)

Everything in the environment e is given a unique ID, which is essentially a tuple (x, y) where x is the location of the list on the stack, y is the position in that list.

3.2. Operations

Following Henderson, we have the following instruction set for our SECD machine:

load a constant onto the stack
load a function onto the stack
apply a function
create a dummy environment
recursively apply
select subcontrol
rejoin main control
take the car of the top of the s stack
take the cdr of the top of the s stack
apply the atom predicate to the top stack item
form cons of top two stack items
apply eq predicate to top two stack items
stop the machine, we're done

And then about a half-dozen arithmetic operators (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, REM, LEQ).

3.3. Operation Transition Rules

The semantics for our SECD machine is described using a transition relation which maps s e c d -> s' e' c' d'.

3.3.1. S-Expression related Rules

The CONS, CDR, CAR instructions behave as we would hope and expect:

(a b . s) e (CONS . c) d becomes ((a . b) . s) e c d
((a . b) . s) e (CAR . c) d becomes (a . s) e c d
((a . b) . s) e (CDR . c) d becomes (b . s) e c d

The ATOM predicate tests if the top item in s is an atomic datum or not.

(a . s) e (ATOM . c) d becomes (t . s) e c d where t=T if a is in fact an atom, t=F if a is a list.

3.3.2. Arithmetic Rules

The arithmetic operations applied to the top 2 items of the stack, but do not modify the other registers:

  • ADD takes (a b . s) and produces (b + a . s)
  • SUB takes (a b . s) and produces (b - a . s)
  • MUL takes (a b . s) and produces (b * a . s)
  • DIV takes (a b . s) and produces (b / a . s)
  • REM takes (a b . s) and produces (b % a . s)
  • LEQ takes (a b . s) and produces (b <= a . s)
  • EQ takes (a b . s) and produces (b = a . s)

3.3.3. Loading Rules

s e (LD i . c) d becomes (x . s) e c d where x = locate(i, e) is the current value for the index i, and locate() is a function in the meta-language
s e (LDC n . c) d becomes (n . s) e c d
s e (LDF c' . c) d becomes ((c' . e) . s) e c d where the closure is (c' . e).

The pseudocode for the locate() function requires first introducing a function which returns the nth member of a list (zero-indexed):

index :: Int -> List -> a
index 0 s = car(s)
index n s = if n < 0 then error "Must have non-negative index number"
            else index (n - 1) cdr(s)

We use this to define a function which determines, for an index pair i = (b . n) the corresponding value in the environment:

locate :: (Int, Int) -> Env -> a
locate (b, n) e = index n (index b e)

3.3.4. Conditional Form Rules

There are two instructions for conditional forms, namely SEL selects a sublist of the control based on the value at the top of the stack, and JOIN rejoins the main control. We could then expect the control to look like

(... SEL c_TRUE c_FALSE c)

where both c_TRUE and c_FALSE look like a list whose last element is JOIN, i.e., c_T = (... JOIN).

(x . s) e (SEL c_T c_F . c) d becomes s e c_X (c . d) where c_X is c_T if x = T, and c_X is c_F if x = F
s e (JOIN) (c . d) evaluates to s e c d

So SEL is a jump instruction, JOIN jumps back to the function caller.

3.3.5. Function Application

We need to bear in mind how we encode closures, because they govern how we implement AP, RTN, etc. A closure is just (c . e) a pair of instructions plus an environment for it.

((c' . e') v . s) e (AP .c) d evaluates to NIL (v . e') c' (s e c . d) a state with:
  1. a fresh NIL stack,
  2. a new environment (v . e'),
  3. the instructions to execute c' given by the function body, and
  4. the saved state at the time of function call (s e c . d)
(x) e' (RTN) (s e c . d) becomes (x . s) e c d, it restores the previous state of the e, c, d registers, and pushes x to the top of the previous s register-state.
creating a new environment with PENDING as the first sublist, transforms s e (DUM . c) d into s (PENDING . e) c d.
recursively apply, ((c' . e') v . s) (PENDING . e) (RAP . c) d becomes NIL rplaca(e', v) c' (s e c . d) where rplaca is a function in the metalanguage (compare to AP which instead had (v . e') directly)

The recursive aspect of RAP is due to rplaca which amounts to be a (setf (car e') v) (thus replacing the PENDING dummy metasymbol introduced by DUM). The mnemonic really is rplaca(x,y) "replace car of x by y and return pointer to x".

Remember when we noted e is basically a stack of lists, and data stored in the e environment is given a unique identifier (x, y) ? In a typical function call with AP, a new list is pushed onto e. Any local variables now look like (len(e), y). This len(e) is problematic for recursive functions, because the stack grows with each recursive function call.

That's why RAP, instead of pushing a new list onto the environment stack, simply replaces whatever is at the head of e with a new environment list.

For further consideration about recursive functions in SECD, consider also reading John Ramsdell's "The Tail-Recursive SECD Machine" (1999).

4. References

  • Peter Henderson, Functional Programming: Application and Implementation. Prentice-Hall International Series in Computer Science,
    1. See especially chapter 6.
  • Gordon Plotkin, "Call-byname, call-by-value and the lambda-calculus". Theoretical Computer Science 1 (1975) pp. 125-159.

4.1. SECD Machine

4.2. Lisp to SECD Compiler

Last Updated 2021-07-05 Mon 22:51.